The Sovereign Party / Plaid Sofren

by The Sovereign Party in Cardiff, United Kingdom

The Sovereign Party / Plaid Sofren

Total raised £265

raised so far



The Sovereign party / Plaid Sofren (formerly the 'No More Lockdowns' party) welcomes any donations large or small

by The Sovereign Party in Cardiff, United Kingdom

As a party we want to  ensure the restoration and protection of our essential freedoms and rights in Wales now and in the future, instead of disproportionate restrictions and the taking away of our freedoms and rights. We support personal sovereignty and free choice and are opposed to draconian lockdowns and mandates. 

These times may be our last opportunity for a long time to use democracy and our vote to protect our freedoms and rights - for today and for future generations to come. It’s already being implied that there may be more lockdowns, mandates and restrictions in the coming months or even years. Freedom and rights must prevail. 

We want to grow as a party across Wales.

We were formerly named No More Lockdowns party and stood in the Welsh Senedd election of 2021 where we beat a number of more established parties. We also stood in the 2022 Welsh local elections under our new name of The Sovereign Party / Plaid Sofren.

Dros Gymru, dros Ryddid. Dros ryddid yr unigolyn, dros degwch i bawb ac er lles Cymru fel gwlad - cefnogwch blaid sydd ar eich ochor chi a'ch hawliau pwy bynnag yr ydych.

The Sovereign Party priority policies / Polisïau Blaenoriaeth:

1.We are for personal sovereignty and free choice, and oppose draconian lockdowns, medical / digital passport mandates, and all undue restrictions now and in the future

2. We want to protect the essential and inalienable rights and freedoms of all with a constitution and bill of rights for Wales. These rights include, for example, freedom of speech, freedom to protest and the protection of women and children’s rights including the right to single-sex spaces.

3. We'd like to drastically reduce and limit the creeping surveillance state and big tech, as well as reduce higher taxes on individuals and small to medium size businesses especially.

4. We'd like to see power given back to the people to hold local and national referendums to withdraw unwanted measures or create new ones - similar to the model seen in Switzerland. Such unwanted measures might include:

  • Plans to introduce compulsory RSE/PSE to children before Key Stage Three (up to the third year of secondary school)
  • Net-zero, anti motorist policies and other policies that unfairly increase the cost of living.
  • Mass migration

5. We would work to ensure food and energy independence for Wales locally and nationally

6. We would work for priority housing for citizens already living in Wales including social housing

7. We would work to repeal all dictatorial Covid laws and regulations locally and nationally

8. The inherent rights of nations to sovereignty if they want it. We favour diverse nations working together as equal, friendly, independent partners.

9. A firm but fair immigration policy for Wales

10. We are opposed to government policies that over-interfere with the private lives of citizens and small and medium businesses. We are also opposed to unelected global-wide corporations and  bodies (such as the UN, WEF and WHO) interfering in democratic governmental and local decisions. We favour diverse democratic nations working together rather than any attempt at centralised, totalitarian global governanace.

How would we spend any money donated?

We would spend moneys donated approximately as follows: The Sovereign Party / Plaid Sofren donations will go towards growing and promoting the party and for the costs of campaigning and standing in forthcoming elections. 

Any donations are warmly appreciated, however small (or big!). For your information, any donations to the party below £500 do not have to be verified or reported but any amount over £500 have to be verified and reported to the Electoral Commission – see more here:

Please visit our site for more details about the party and our priority policies:  For Email: [email protected]


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