Our Journey:
The Pitch started life as a tiny, 10 minute short play at a new writing night in London. Now it's a full-length piece, and will be making its debut at The Space Theatre, 17th-21st September:
We are a new team of Irish/Northern Irish creatives, brought together by this play, and we need your help to raise a bit of money to pay for the likes of props, costumes, rehearsal rooms, poster printing and of course, to pay ourselves a fee for getting the play on.
Gaelic Football is a popular sport, predominately played in Ireland, but also in the U.K. and across the world - and we love it! We want to show as many people as possible why we think it's such a fantastic sport, and really put Gaelic Football in the spotlight for new, and current fans, alike.
Why this play? Why now?
The Pitch is set in East Belfast - an area in Northern Ireland where there are little, to no, Gaelic Football Pitches. But this is changing...
Although there are plenty of new GAA clubs forming in the area, they are finding it extremely difficult to find a pitch to call their own, with the threat of abuse, vandalism and even bomb scares at particular areas where they train.
The play is inspired by these recent events, and is a story of how East Belfast is changing, how communities are becoming more mixed, and how younger people in Northern Ireland are viewing the Unionism vs Nationalism divide.
Why Support Us?
This play is for you, the people coming to see the show!
If you're interested in seeing Gaelic Football on stage, please support this play! If you want to learn more about life for young people in Northern Ireland, please support this play! If you want to help new creatives so they can pay themselves fairly, in an increasingly underfunded Fringe Theatre world, please support this play! If you absolutely love the taste of Tayto crisps, and just think they're so damn tasty then, PLEASE SUPPORT THIS PLAY!
We'll see you at The Space, in September! Love The Pitch Creative Team