We've all got a story to tell. What's your story? This story is important and you can be an important part of it.
Well, it's actually lots of stories ...
There's the story of the film: Lorna is a local woman who, much like currents under the sea, is transforming in small ways every day, building to something life-changing... we think you may even find some of your own story in hers ...
There's the story of the person who wrote the film: a local, working, new SEND mum who had never written a short film before but envisioned a sea swimming group that met at the pier, then discovered that this exact thing existed in real life ...
There's the many many stories of the sea swimming group, their enthusiasm for the film and all the things that have happened to them in the sea and on dry land ...
There's the story of the wonderful Seagull Theatre who saw the potential of this project and offered it a home ...
And we want to make YOU part of the most epic story of all: the story of local businesses and benefactors sponsoring the making-of this film so that it can create temporary employment for local people, regardless of their experience; the story of a project that captures the interest of the local press, national press and international film festivals; the story of a project that makes a stand for cleaner oceans, real living wages, working-class people making art, businesses and communities working together.
This is the story of a little local film that changed lives.
There are so many creative ways that we can thank you - from credits at the end to actually putting YOU in the film. And of course, all PR resulting from the film will promote our sponsors (unless they wish to remain anonymous). And if you can't sponsor us, you can help us simply by sharing this to help spread the word. THANK YOU! Let's do this, Lowestoft! x
[Please note before donating that the person who created this page will not be managing the project itself. I am simply raising funds and will transfer all monies to the project organisers]