We promote appreciation and understanding of the heritage and culture of Scottish islands through publications, research, and events (conferences, talks, walks and boat trips).

Donate to this charity
Total raised so far £5,520
+ est. £980.00
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to our publication expansion appeal. The donations we received through Crowdfunder combined with other donations and grants have allowed us to start the recruitment of a full time Heritage Officer to sustain and expand the work of the Islands Book Trust. Thank you!!
IBT is a charity based in the Isle of Lewis committed to promoting the heritage of Hebridean and other Scottish islands. We do this by organising events and publishing books which are of interest to people of many different backgrounds, including native-born islanders, incomers, academics, and visitors.
See our website for more details. www.islandsbooktrust.org
We do not have a specific appeal at the moment but donations to support and expand our work are always extremely welcome.