The Glasses Free Network

by James Ashbey in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Total raised £450

raised so far



We believe the great success of 3D films and media, followed by decline, is because people love 3D, but not the glasses. We have a solution.

by James Ashbey in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 24th June 2024 we'd raised £250 with 1 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

We are a small but dedicated team of international engineers and scientists at the leading edge in display technologies, and we have an international reputation.  All of the major players in this highly competitive field, know of us.  

The heads of the team are James Ashbey, Miles Adams and Dan Julian  -all based currently in England.

We have an extensive history in all forms of 3D display, hardware and software, at national and international levels.

We are here to raise sufficient funding to launch our streaming platform, in our new display format that combines 2D and 3D.

Executive line up

We have assembled an international line up, of some of the leading figures in consumer electronics, to work with us commercially, and bring the technology to a marketing event Horizon.

For those who wish to know more about the planning and rationale behind TGFN, there is a link to our pitch deck just before the video gifs, below.

The Format.

This format has four different names -as it will be applied slightly differently across different mediums

These names are   

EDS - Enhanced Depth Solutions.

EDS NVV  - Enhanced Depth Solutions New Vista Vision.

2D+    - this speaks for itself

EDS Univision  - there is a realtime computer games console that is planned for Version 2.0.   Univision is also a reference to the fact, that this is a form of 3D that even those with only one eye (advanced Astigmatism), can also enjoy.


Initial strategy.

How will we use the monies we seek to raise here.  We will build TGFN - The Glasses Free Network.  A six channel streaming and broadcasting portal, in our new video and film format.

TGFN mission statement

 Phase I and Phase II

Phase I  (EDS NVV)

Phase II  (TGFN)

This new venture, began life as the development of a new technology. This phase -phase I, has been completed successfully.  See introductory demonstration video above.  And more advanced examples of the format, on the website provided below

The current phase II, is to start the technology’s commercial life as an independent. international broadcaster of mixed content across six channels, and as a publisher of new and old films all, either rendered or remastered, in the new format, that was the aforementioned first successful achievement.

As a new broadcaster, and with a growing film library of classic films -remastered in a more immersive format, we will be entering a sector that usually requires several millions.

However the greatest cost for a broadcaster, is the purchase of content.  We have the means to create content, this is the great saving.  Film libraries are already willing to give us access to good content, in return for our conversion and remastering services


And each film newly remastered that was priorly in the public domain would be eligible for a new copyright (derivative copyright)

Some of these films are great cultural touchstones across many nations, and we do not feel comfortable trying to own them outright -even though our format, breathes new life into them.

This is why we have reached out to Matt and Ben (Damon and Affleck), see portfolio 6, in our still under development website:


Password.    Harvest

However the beating heart of this Phase II, is to remain as independent as possible, by reaching out to the film communities and film fan communities, and also the small independent investor communities, to raise the monies we seek to start that major commercial life.

Which bring us here to you - to Crowdfunder.  Our kind  of people.   :-)

The EDS NVV technology is sophisticated behind the scenes, but hopefully very straightforward in its public appearance and as a result - it can be adjudged as working or not working, by all members of the public: scientists, engineers, artists: creative and performance -and lay people, each individual with equal validity. 

The public is possessed of all the expertise it needs to determine the effectiveness of this very sophisticated digital transformational technology.

Namely --do you see it working, and if so, do you like it.

However film is quite possibly, our most powerful cultural art form, and we believe that you, the investor or supporter, need to know what the leading and the less celebrated (or jobbing) film-makers think about how our technology is interacting with their art form.

It is likely that our great effort not to allow the technology to compete with a film’s original narrative, but to support it -will be appreciated by them -and we hope, also by you.  We have earned the respect of Oscar winners  - Hugh Hudson and David Puttnam  (Lord Puttnam to you and us) :-)  Richard Edlund who has four Oscars for the first three Star Wars films and Raiders of The Lost Ark, was James Ashbey's creative/technology partner through 2018.  Mr Edlund is the World's most decorated living cinephotographer.

We are scientists and engineers, and technicians, who have -in a real sense become film-makers, and we are both jealous and protective of the rights of the warm, beating mammalian heart, of our creative colleagues.  If the feed back that we receive from you here encourages this -we will start an additional fund raiser to remaster four classic films -and find a way to give the donations a share in the final film.  

We will start with Four films that are all in the public domain, and can therefore be applied for a new master copyright, once remastering in EDS NVV, is completed 

This, the above, is the plan.

To recap. we come to Crowdfunder -with a now fully developed technology, developed to first product status (further development is of course ongoing, and our first projection to you, is that it is at product grade now), it is the culmination of our years of experience developing prototypes for leading international brands in consumer and professional electronics.

And we come with a new company The Glasses Free Network Inc; also known as TGFN Inc; which if the public likes our format, will have a large valuation. Maybe even too large to think about, we are the only ones with this exact formula.

But just like Dyson and Gates before us, the existing powers in field of technology and media , seem determined to keep us out completely out, or at best, as the bent over mendicant forever knocking at their doors.  Now with your help, we aim to carve out a seat for ourselves at the table.  And when we do - we will never forget you.

TGFN will have license to broadcast internationally in EDS, EDS NVV and 2D+, and will be the exclusive marketing agent for the format's remastering services, in North America.

For those who would like to know more about the structure of the Network and its business case - see here:


Finally if this becomes a great success, we will explore with the management of Crowdfunder how and if, we can offer a discounted share holding here, when TGFN goes public on the listing markets in the USA.  As a further thank you.

We will have an update on this during the first four weeks, and we invite all those who donate to leave your details with us -in the comments -or with wherever Crowdfunder allow.  So that some information on this can be sent directly to you. This is just a possibility.  Let us know what you think of it.


The four films on Vimeo   Password…  Now    

These EDS sequences, being processed, rendered and remastered from original content that is already in the public domain, are owned by AAB-Labs.

 [1]  Casablanca

Casablanca EDS NVV 4k Belve modulus 00369 full edit

[2a]  Memphis Belle

[2b] Memphis Belle

[3] McLintock!

[4] Yankee Doodle Dandy

The final Launch Quality: (Vers 1.0) you can see on our 'still in development' website, the link to which (and password) we have provided above.  

On this site, we show you other 3D technologies and systems that we have built to prototypes  -some of them for the major brands.

You can see Launch Quality Vers 1.0 samples on the portfolios pages -see portfolio 2 and portfolio nu-6.  You should be able to note and appreciate the difference.    

For the fans of the superhero gene, there is one full superhero sequences -on the 'about us' page. And an 'animated comic strip' delivery in Portfolio 7; but these are both not at the launch quality


Logos:  You are invited to tell us which you prefer and we will listen.  

EDS, EDS NVV and 2D+

EDS  -   Enhanced Depth Solutions

EDS NVV    -  Enhanced Depth Solutions New Vista Vision

2D+       - speaks for itself

EDS Univision   - 'works even with one eye'

The technology will not just have one name, or logo - confusing yes, but also organic.

Elephants are not the same everywhere.  Nothing that is natural ever is.

Neither will we be.

Nature is complex, and messy, but it is still here, after millions of years.  

Our brands and  logos will vary internationally.  But there will always be a reminder that this work is from us, to assure you of the quality.








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This project offered rewards

£150 or more

Casablanca (1942) remastered. Sponsor status.

We will create a special booklet to go with each box set blu-ray of the film. It will include your name and a small photo -of you ((and your partner.) It will explain that the remastering of this film, was in part -paid for, by your interest and generosity. It will link you to this film and its continuity hereon. When we also sell through Amazon we will include this additional 'book. It will be designed to honor your attachment to our work on it.

£50 or more

Subscription reward 1

One year's subscription to three of the six channels, of The Glasses Free Network. These will be issued upon the establishment of the network. Projected timescale for this is three months after we have reached our initial target. You will be invited to stipulate when you would like your subscription to start. The first few months and weeks of broadcast/streaming, will see us ironing out the creases and bringing on more content and productions.

£50 or more

Yankee Doodle Dandy. Sponsor status

We will create a special booklet to go with each box set blu-ray of the film. It will include your name and a small photo -of you ((and your partner.) It will explain that the remastering of this film, was in part -paid for, by your interest and generosity. It will link you to this film and its continuity hereon. When we also sell through Amazon we will include this additional 'book. It will be designed to honor your attachment to our work on it.

£100 or more

Subscription reward 2

One year's subscription to all of the six channels, of The Glasses Free Network. These will be issued upon the establishment of the network. Projected timescale for this is three months after we have reached our initial target. You will be invited to stipulate when you would like your subscription to start. The first few months and weeks of broadcast/streaming, will see us ironing out the creases and bringing on more content and productions.

£100 or more

Memphis Belle (1990) remastered. Sponsor status

We will create a special booklet to go with each box set blu-ray of the film. It will include your name and a small photo -of you ((and your partner.) It will explain that the remastering of this film, was in part -paid for, by your interest and generosity. It will link you to this film and its continuity hereon. When we also sell through Amazon we will include this additional 'book. It will be designed to honor your attachment to our work on it.

£100 or more

McLintock! (1962) remastered. Sponsor status.

We will create a special booklet to go with each box set blu-ray of the film. It will include your name and a small photo -of you ((and your partner.) It will explain that the remastering of this film, was in part -paid for, by your interest and generosity. It will link you to this film and its continuity hereon. When we also sell through Amazon we will include this additional 'book. It will be designed to honor your attachment to our work on it.

£200 or more

Blu ray boxed set of remastered film in EDS NVV

We will be creating fully remastered versions of Casablanca, Memphis Belle, Yankee Doodle Dandy and McLintock! They will come as a boxed set of the four films and with a signed group photograph of the three heads of the development team: Dan Julian, Miles Adams `and James Ashbey.

£1,000 or more

Personal selection of material for conversion

We will convert an 8mm to HD sequence, up to 30 second in length (possibly 60s ) from a film or commercial of your choosing (not adult content) converted into our format -which will subsequently be featured on our streaming 'Film Clips' channel -once we start broadcasting. The transmission will include the mention of your name and perhaps an online interview with you. We will notify you in advance of the transmission, which may be repeated.

Show your support

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