The Cheeky Panda - Bamboo Toilet Tissue

by Cheeky Panda in 

We did it
On 2nd April 2016 we successfully raised £12,785 with 67 supporters in 42 days

The Cheeky Panda concept turns unused bamboo that would otherwise goes to waste into luxury tissues. Please help us turn this into reality

by Cheeky Panda in

 New stretch target

We did it! Thank you for helping us turning this concept into reality. Our first shipment is now on the way. Please continue to support our project as we are already looking at developing our range to include Bamboo Kitchen roll and luxury 4 ply.  If we can really stretch it to £15k we can pay for the machine to make a panda head to be printed on each sheet so you will know you are using bamboo tissues.

Product FAQ:

1- How strong is The Cheeky Panda toilet tissue?

The Cheeky Panda tissue is slightly stronger than most of the mainstream brand classic range. The mainstream brand classic range is 2 ply, The Cheeky Panda classic range is 3ply.

2- Does it eventually break down easily in sewers and macerators?

The product is 100% biodegradable. It breaks down easily in sewers and macerators. 

3- Why bamboo toilet tissue?

Compared to tree-based tissues: Bamboo grows 20-30 times faster, produces 35% more oxygen and absorbs 35% more carbon than trees; Compared to recycled tissues: No de-inking agent or harsh chemicals required in the manufacturing process. Bamboo has many skin friendly qualities such as naturally anti-bacteria, anti-fungal and odour resistant. 

4-  What are the other benefits of the product?

The product meets FDA (U.S. Food and Drag Administration) standards and is 100% B.P.A free. 

By supporting us you can opt into the friends of Panda club, this includes:

  1. All pledgers get entered into our prize draw and one lucky backer will win one weeks holiday in a 3 bed villa at a golf/spa resort in Spain.
  2. All pledgers get a 'The Cheeky Panda' original backers certificate
  3. Get all your future The Cheeky Panda products at a discount
  4. Gain points to get Panda toys, Panda hats and other Panda themed accessories 
  5. Talk to us about sustainability and entrepreneurship online or offline
  6. Be part of The Cheeky Panda development: help us with packaging and shape personality of Panda: Should it be male or female? Should it has a British or Chinese name? 
  7. You and your children can enter ‘Draw the Panda’ competition; Your panda might appear in our packaging
  8. Submit your jokes to ‘Cheeky Joke Book’ that we will publish on Amazon kindle and give it to Charity. Your name will appear in the book
  9. Submit voiceover and let your children have the chance to become the voice of the CheekyPanda
  10. If you run a business with lots of employees it's great for your customers/clients to know that you use green sustainable products and support a green start-up. We will put your names on our ambassador page and provide you our green statement to let your customers know that you are using a green product.
  11. Come and join any of the fun events we are planning including dressing up as Pandas going to events and parties

New Crowdfunders: 

If you are new to crowdfunder, this is how it works: if you pledge money to us you can choose a reward and if we reach our target of £10,000 by the 1st of April 2016 your pledges will be debited from your account. No money will be debited from your account before the 1st of April and in the unlikely event the production is cancelled all money will be refunded, so you are basically in a risk free win-win!

Special thank you to: 



This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

Become a friend of panda + A panda hat + Original backers certificate

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Family Package: 20% pre order discount 5 Packs of 9 The Cheeky Panda tissues (45 rolls) including delivery + become a friend of Panda + Original Backers Certificate Online Price comparison: Recycled Brand £22.45 Mainstream Brand 2ply: £18.75 The Cheeky Panda: 3ply: £20

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Small Flat/House Package: Pack of 9 Cheeky Panda tissues including delivery + A Panda toy + Pack Of Luxury Bamboo Socks + become a friend of Panda + Original Backers Certificate

£30 or more

£30 Reward

Family Package 2: 20% pre order discount 5 Packs of 9 The Cheeky Panda tissues (45 rolls) + Pack of luxury bamboo socks + Panda Toy (or a Panda Hat) including delivery + become friends of Panda + Original Backers Certificate Online Price comparison: Recycled Brand £22.45 Mainstream Brand 2ply: £18.75 The Cheeky Panda: 3ply: £20

£50 or more

£50 Reward

Party Package: 5 Packs of 9 The Cheeky Panda tissues (45 rolls) including delivery + become friends of Panda + entry to our launch party (26th April 2016); meet Chris and Julie, our advisers Sarah and Graham, as well as journalists and other business leaders.

£55 or more

£55 Reward

6 Months Supply, 20% pre order discount 3 Cartons 5 Packs of 9 The Cheeky Panda tissues (135 rolls) including delivery options of one shipment or one carton every 2 months + become friends of Panda + option to have your name or business on our Ambassador page.

£60 or more

£60 Reward

Adopt A Panda Package: 20% pre-order discount 5 Packs of 9 The Cheeky Panda tissues (45 rolls) including delivery + Adopt a panda. There are as few as 1,864 pandas remain in the wild today. Halt the decline in panda numbers. Pledge to receive: A cuddly panda toy + Certificate, animal fact sheet, stickers, badge & bookmark

£100 or more

4 of 8 claimed

£100 Reward

Private home dinner in Essex prepared by Panda's mum Julie and talk to Panda's Dad Chris about sustainability and entrepreneurship + panda toy + become friends of Panda Chris has over 20 years experience in recruitment; Julie has experience in supply chain and running online retail business. It's a great opportunity for anyone who is seeking career advice or looking to start their own business.

£250 or more

£250 Reward

Small Business or Large Family Subscription of 1 cartons a month for a year (45 X 12 rolls) + have your personal or business profile appear on our ambassador page; + panda toy + invite to launch party

£420 or more

£420 Reward

Medium Business or Wholesaler Package, 1 Pallet - 24 Cartons of 45 rolls + get 5 free panda toys + invite to our launch party + get you or your businesses profile on our #go-green-with-panda ambassadors page.

£450 or more

£450 Reward

Medium Business Package: subscription of 2 cartons a month for a year (1080 rolls, over 25% discount) including delivery + invite to launch party + 2 panda toys + have your personal or business profile appear on our #go-green-with-panda ambassador page.

£750 or more

£750 Reward

Sponsor Package: Sponsor our launch party + subscription of 1 cartons a month for a year (540 rolls) + 5 panda toys + have your personal or business profile appear on our future animation and on our ambassador and crowdfunding page.

£1,000 or more

£1,000 Reward

Panda Visit Package, 1 year family/business subscription of the Cheeky Panda tissues + an invitation to our launch party + 2 panda toys + adopt a panda + have your personal or business profile appear on our ambassador and crowdfunding page; + guided tour for two people at Edinburgh Zoo to meet the UK’s only giant pandas, Tian Tian (Sweetie) and Yang Guang (Sunshine). * valid for one year

£2,500 or more

4 of 3 claimed

£2,500 Reward

Mysterious bundle containing amazing rewards. Pledge to find out what it is?

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