The Boys Of Bridgend

by boysofbridgend in Bridgend

We did it
On 14th April 2015 we successfully raised £540 with 21 supporters in 56 days

A charity calendar raising money for good causes. Money raised from our latest calendar will go towards the Ben Cohen StandUp Foundation

by boysofbridgend in Bridgend

 New stretch target

The initial target we set is so that we can cover the costs of our first print run in order to get the calendar onto your walls, but for us to keep making and selling more, we'll need to keep fundraising, which is why we have a stretch target.

If we can raise even more money we will be able to print even more calendars which in turn means we can raise even more money for the StandUp Foundation to help people suffering from bullying and homophobia.

We have also been filming our shoots this year in the hope of using the video footage to make a mini movie/documentary about the making of the calendar for our supporters, so if we can raise enough money it will allow us to actually put the footage to use by getting it cut and edited and out there to purchase.

All money that is left over will go directly to the charity as part of our overall total, so not a penny will be wasted.

It's been amazing to hit our target, but let's not stop there. Please keep sharing and pledging our cause so that we can raise even more money for the StandUp Foundation.

Project aim

To cover the printing costs of our 2016 charity calendar

About the project

The Boys of Bridgend, headed by photographer Russ Hughes, are a group of men from Bridgend, South Wales who came together in 2014 to launch our first charity calendar, with proceeds going to The Everyman Appeal to help men battling testicular and prostate cancer. Now in our second year, shooting has begun on our 2016 calendar and we are looking for funding to get the initial run printed.

Money raised through our 2016 calendar will be donated to the Ben Cohen Standup Foundation in the help to battle against homophobia. The LGBT community supported us from the very beginning and we are so proud to be able to bring things full circle and now give something back to them in the best way we know how. By stripping down and baring all!

The Boys of Bridgend is not a club or organisation, so the money raised benefits us in no way whatsoever. Our time is donated for free and all profits raised from the calendar go to the charity. All money raised through our Crowdfunder will cover the printing costs of the calendar with any extra money raised covering the printing of further copies. Any money that is left over will go directly to the charity, so every penny you pledge to us will benefit them in some way, so please don't stop being amazing and showing your support.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 Reward

When you donate £5 to our cause we will send you an exclusive Boys of Bridgend desktop wallpaper for you to download directly to your computer

£10 or more

£10 Reward

When you pledge £10 we will send you a digital copy of the 2016 calendar (when completed) directly to your email inbox, before it is available for general sale, and we will even throw in a digital copy of the 2015 calendar as well.

£25 or more

£25 Reward

£25 means you can be among the very first to own our brand new calendar. We will post you out a physical copy before the calendar goes on general sale as well as a digital copies of both the 2015 and 2016 calendars as a digital download. Because the pledges are going towards the printing of the calendar, delivery of the physical calendar will not be made until completion of the calendar in the summer

£50 or more

£50 Reward

If you pledge us £50 for our cause we will send you a limited edition signed copy of the 2016 calendar, digital copies of both the 2015 and 2016 calendars direct to your inbox, a downloadable wallpaper for your desktop and a set of 10 downloadable exclusive images from our shoots, not seen in either calendar. Because the donations are going to the printing of the calendar, delivery of the physical calendar will not be made until completion of the calendar in the summer

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