In 28 years of research, WAVE has uncovered two fundamental truths crucial for transforming outcomes for children, families, and societies.
Investment in prevention, especially before children are harmed by abuse, neglect or just plain lack of parenting know-how, is many times more effective than spending on reaction. In the words of the American abolitionist Frederick Douglass, “It is easier to build strong children than to fix broken men”.
While preventive spending is needed for children of all ages, the most powerful results are achieved in the early years, when babies’ brains add new connections at more than one million per second, and the brain architecture for life is formed. This is sometimes referred to as the first 1001 days.
The Challenge: Politicians focus on short-term gains, neglecting the long-lasting benefits of preventive measures. Meanwhile, early childhood issues remain invisible, with little advocacy for investment in the crucial first years of life.
The Urgency: Child maltreatment statistics are alarming, with millions of UK children suffering abuse and neglect, and the Lancet reporting no evidence of improvement in the last 45 years. The evidence shows that early trauma has profound and enduring negative effects on individuals and society as a whole.
Our Journey: In 2009, tired of seeing so little progress being made by Governments on these issues, WAVE Trust created the 70/30 objective – a 70% reduction in abuse, neglect and children witnessing domestic violence by 2030. This was backed by a 3-part strategy:
Creating the political backing for 70/30
Identifying specific policy interventions which would deliver 70/30
Partnering with local and national governments and third sector to deliver these solutions. WAVE has completed two of these three parts
The objective is now backed by over 90% of Westminster MPs, 99% of Scottish MSPs, and (in Scotland) by the leaders of all five major political parties, and by the Scottish Government;
WAVE’s plans were endorsed in 2014 by the UK Treasury, and in 2024 updated and improved by a powerful coalition of experts.
We now seek your support in funding the third step of the journey, to bring the 70/30 vision to life.
Your Support Matters: By funding the final phase of our 70/30 plan, you're not just donating; you're shaping a future where every child's first 1001 days pave the way for a fulfilling life.
Our Call to Action:
- National Government: Increase early years funding and prioritise prevention.
- Health and Local Governments: Develop local plans for the first 1001 days and prioritise primary prevention.
- Political Parties: Recognise the significance of the first 1001 days.
- Professional Bodies: Mandate training on early years prevention for social and emotional development.
Why Your Support is Crucial: Your contribution fuels our mission, ensuring every child receives the support they need during their critical early years. Help us create a world where every child's future is filled with health, happiness, and success.
Join Us: Be a part of the 70/30 campaign and help us script a new story for the future. Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of children and society as a whole.
Donate Now: Support our vision with a pledge for a brighter tomorrow. Your contribution matters more than ever.
Our Goal: We need £12,000 to maintain our website and £20,000 to hire a part-time staff member to ensure the success of our initiatives.
Let's Build a Better Future Together. Donate Today!