The Hydrotherapy Pool is a warm water facility for people with disabilities, whether Temporary or Permanent
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Total raised so far £2,013
+ est. £290.00
0Who are we?
We are a friendly, accessible hydrotherapy centre based in Swindon. The centre was opened in 1979 and we have made many friends along the way. We are proud to see an average of 700 visitors every week!
We cater for all disabilities whether permanent or temporary, mental or physical. We are fully equipped to provide safe accessibility to all areas of the centre.
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of different conditions, including arthritis and related rheumatic complaints. Hydrotherapy differs from swimming because it involves special exercises that you do in a warm-water pool. The water temperature is usually 33-36oC.
Hydrotherapy can relieve pain, help with rehabilitation and offer benefits for many conditions, spanning all age groups. It can help with conditions such as Arthritis, Asthma, Brain injuries, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Spina Bifada and many more.
We have a long list of things we would like to improve, from small things like repairing the jacuzzi to longer term things such as making the building more sustainable and decreasing running costs by adding solar panels.
But the urgent need to reduce our energy cost's, we want to install solar panels and have air source heat pumps to dramatically reduce our usage of Gas and Electric.
Estimates are that it will cost over £100,000 to complete this project. If we raise enough, we also hope to improve some areas of the plant machinery to become more efficient facility.