Thank you for helping us to reach our target.
We are now aiming for £2000 - your contribution is still very important.
With this extra money, we will improve the production values of the journal and print more copies to spread the word about the importance of teachers' wellbeing.
Please make a donation and get involved!
Who are we?
We are a group of teachers who care about the wellbeing of teachers. With your help, we want to publish a journal. The aim of the journal is to guide teachers through a year of looking after themselves really well.
Here is the team behind different aspects of the campaign - you can find them all on Twitter:
@martynreah @naomi7444 @HTcoach @MrMcloughlin_PE @JennaLucas81 @rondelle10_b @abbiemann1982
@taniaf77 @dotsandspaces @mrstinamurray @MrsHumanities @tim_jumpclarke @cijane02
For a year, teachers have been talking about 'Teacher 5 a Day' (#teacher5aday), a Twitter campaign kicked off by @MartynReah, which asks teachers to put their wellbeing at the top of their to do list. We have used the New Economics Foundation's research which defines Five Ways to Wellbeing:
Conversations about each aspect are taking place right now and teachers are feeling better because of their actions! it's a wonderful thing. Just have a look at #teacher5aday to feel inspired...
We want to spread the word further amongst teachers and maybe even influence policy so that teachers stay in the profession to make the world a better place.
What will be in the journal?
- The book will be structured as a diary - but you can pick it up at any time of year.
- You will be able to set your wellbeing goals and take notes on your progress (or lack of it - or change of direction - or wibbling thoughts and doodles...)
- We have contributions from experts on exercise, coaching, psychology, art, wellbeing amongst students, educational technology, parental leave and more. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute.
- The book will be illustrated using artwork and photography created by teachers over the past year
Where will the money go?
This money pays for a limited print run. Once the journal is out there, we want feedback to make the next version better AND we want you to create a buzz in order to raise the profile of this important issue.
This money also helps us to use a professional graphic designer who will make the book look beautiful: an object you value and want to keep close.
Why are we crowdfunding?
We could have taken this project to a publisher, but we want to self-publish in order to keep true to the voices behind the #teacher5aday campaign.
In addition, we believe that the 'crowd' is almost more important that the 'fund' in the sense that we want our supporters to get involved. We want you to:
- Contribute an article, a poem, a photograph, a drawing, a way you have changed habits for the better
- Give us feedback on drafts of the journal and help us improve it for the second print run and beyond
- Talk about the journal, be an advocate for it and for the broader picture of looking after teachers
Please help us make this project a reality and help us put wellbeing at the forefront of as many busy teacher brains as possible!
Who else is involved? How can you get involved?
Excitingly, other professions are taking the 5aday campaign to their communities. Have a look at #doc5aday led by @DouglasNatusch or #socialworker5aday from @anerrington. Are you in a profession which could benefit from such a campaign? We would love support you, so get in touch.