Help us make more votes count with Swap My Vote

by Forward Democracy (MVTFWD) in United Kingdom

Help us make more votes count with Swap My Vote

Total raised £1,832

raised so far



Support Swap My Vote and together we can make more votes matter across the country.

by Forward Democracy (MVTFWD) in United Kingdom

The First Past The Post system gives people restricted choice as to the candidate they can vote for. By helping voters swap votes in the Wakefield and Tiverton & Honiton by-elections, and the next General Election, we can make their votes count.

 70% of people’s votes are wasted at general elections in this country. In 2019, that was over 22 million votes. 

In the absence of electoral pacts, votes are split between many parties, and until we can get Proportional Representation, the only way we can get a more representative parliament is by tactical voting. 

You may wish to vote for one party, but choose to vote for another  as they have a better chance of being elected where you live. But this isn’t a choice we’re all happy to make.

Swap My Vote pairs you up with another voter who votes for your party where they could have a better chance of getting elected, and you do the same for them.


With your help, we've already reached 100,000s of voters in previous elections. Starting with the Wakefield and Tiverton & Honiton by-elections, we’re now building the ability to serve many many more voters at the next General Election, which could happen any time the current government decides, and definitely by 2024… 

We need your help to build this capacity and ultimately reach 100,000s more voters, to help  more people swap their votes, and make the election result better and as fair as can be.

With the money raised, we will continue to -

  • Develop the service to help more voters find better swaps 

  • Develop ways to spread the word to voters in specific constituencies

  • Use new channels including local media and advertising, both online and off. 

Extra marketing capacity will also be an opportunity to learn about how to reach people, while also priming voters around the country with the vote swapping concept for future elections.

Thank you for your overwhelming support so far. The more we raise, the more we can do.

We'll be committing to making Swap My Vote work even better in the next General Election, reaching more people, and having an even bigger impact. We have a long list of improvements we'd like to make!

Together, we can make working together the central principle for the future of the UK.

Thank you from the whole team for all your support!


In The Press

1654966229_guardian-app-logo.png Guardian


1654966328_new-statesman-logo.pngNew Statesman




1654984098_large-square-sky-news-logo.pngSky News

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