Support The Secret Boxing Gym & Wellness Community

by The Secret Boxing Gym and Cafe, London Bridge in London, England, United Kingdom

Support The Secret Boxing Gym & Wellness Community

Total raised £18,567

raised so far



To raise funding to ensure our World Class fitness operation survives this devastating pandemic & can continue to adapt to new legislation

by The Secret Boxing Gym and Cafe, London Bridge in London, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 11th December 2020 we'd raised £18,467 with 66 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

We have increased our funding target as we have now been forced to close again and need to cover our high fixed costs.

We will also continue to expand our services and schedule, bringing employment back to team members who have been unable to work during lockdown and reaching out further into our community, encouraging people to exercise in a fun environment to help combat Covid and other fitness related and mental health issues. 

We are also developing plans to work in partnership with local community groups, the Chamber of Commerce, London Village Network, schools and more to help people of all ages and background escape from circumstances involving violence, knife crime, gangs, abuse, discrimination in all its forms, social isolation and to find pathways back into society following social exclusion. To instil confidence, be around positive and inspirational role models and to demonstrate that you really can change your life for the better through access to our community.  Our initial focus is on the younger generation (under 25's) but we will attempt to include as many people as possible along the way.  

 Obviously we can only continue to do this if we can safeguard the viability of our business.

 We are the Secret Boxing Gym and Cafe based directly opposite Southwark Cathedral and the Mudlark Pub on Montague Close, 2 London Bridge with stunning views over the river Thames. We have been established for 18 months and were thriving prior to Covid under the expert guidance and tutelage of former World Boxing Champion Richard "The Secret" Williams who has dedicated his life to this project. He is ever present, extremely hands on and has curated a fantastic team of trainers all of whom have been trained to Richard's exacting standards and positively promote his ethos and values. We have invested heavily to provide an outstanding facility which caters for all levels of fitness and ability. The majority of our customers attend to achieve outstanding levels of fitness whilst learning invaluable technique whereas others are trained to compete all the way up to professional level. We offer a number alternative classes to ensure each and every one of our customers can mix it up. We are often told that we are the best all round boxing, fitness and wellness facility around, something we are extremely proud of and is evidenced by our very high level of member retention.

   Covid is having a huge adverse impact on our business. We had to close on 23rd March and reopened 25th July after implementing precautionary Covid measures at great expense. Many of our customers travel into London for work and as they are now furloughed or working from home they are currently unable to attend. We did however see a huge increase in local residents attending. Their regular gyms remained closed so they gave us a try and every single one of them are amazed at how superior our training is, love our facilities, staff, location and community atmosphere. Now we have been forced to close again after working around the clock to get re-established.  We will not however let this pandemic defeat us or let our customers and staff down hence our appeal for your help. 

 We would be extremely grateful for any support you can provide no matter how large or small. You can do this easily by way of a donation or by prepaying for our classes, products and services. If you can share the link to our Crowdfunder page with your network of family, friends and colleagues that would be even more amazing.

Given our location we have a high fixed cost base and unfortunately our landlord is not in a position to forego rent. We've done everything that is required and more to ensure we exceed hygiene standards and also need to pay for more digital support and content to further engage with our loyal and growing customer base.

Please check out some of the feedback we have received below and better still come and take a look at our impressive facility and location when we are finally allowed to reopen, talk to our team which includes all of our customers, form your own opinion.


Many Thanks from all of The Secret Gym Team and Customers.


"I've never tried boxing before I walked through these doors..."

"From the first time I walked past, curious about the bags, lay out, I stepped in to a class with Leon back in May 2019 and was made to feel very welcome. The team all make an effort to know your name, they remember. I've enjoyed a variety of the classes, all with excellent instruction - Claire, Jo, Nathan, Richard.

I've never tried boxing until walking in these doors, it's fun learning something new. A few friends have been and love it. Women's Only Classes are a good way to start. The Original Secret classes are excellent. A complete workout.

The PT here is exceptional. I've been training with Richard and he is a brilliant teacher. He gauges where you are at, makes adjustments and will work with your body to give you the best possible work out. After five sessions, I wanted more. I'm hooked. I feel stronger with better coordination, focus, and can now do the whole session, before I was shattered after 10 minutes of 1-2-1 pad work. He is passionate about you doing it the right way, whether you are in his Original Secret class or PT. PT here is my investment in my health. The feel good factor.

A big stand out for me is the bright, airy space on ground floor level, alongside the river Thames and London Bridge . This is a very friendly club.

You always leave here feeling reinvigorated and wanting to return as soon as possible

"Richard Williams' Secret Boxing Gym is fantastic..."

"Richard Williams’ Secret Boxing gym is fantastic. Leave aside the great central location, food and venue (it’s clear a lot of thought has gone into it), The Secret Boxing Gym makes boxing accessible to everyone and stretches everyone in line with their own ability. Mainly, I do boxing for fitness and a bit of sparring. But nothing more and it works well for that. If I ever do move things up a gear, it’ll be here; they cater for all comers. Plus they’ve got yoga, strength and conditioning and all sorts of other stuff too. Fantastic gym "

"Amazing, friendly and welcoming..."
"Don’t know where to start - Amazing, friendly and welcoming Boxing gym in London Bridge."

"No better place in London"

A fantastic boxing gym with superb trainers and helpful, friendly staff. If you want to learn how to punch properly (and not just throw punches without any guidance) in an inspiring and educational environment there's no better place in London."

Seasoned Campaigner

I am in my mid fifties and have tried just about every form of fitness training there is, then I discovered boxing. There really is no better way to train, period. I have attended many boxing gyms over the years and thought I knew what good training was. Wrong, The Secret is in another league, this is no spit and sawdust boxing gym, it's a high class operation from start to finish. All trainers are fantastic, friendly, supportive, inspiring they really get to know you and your needs individually and promote a genuine community atmosphere. If you want to train to compete you can or for fitness, as I do, you can. I'm in the best shape of my life (age considered :). Where else can you be trained by a former world boxing champion and all round nice guy whose ethos and expertise has clearly been instilled in each and every trainer. Please do what you can to support this wonderful community. I can't wait for it to reopen. 


We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see our Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£50 or more

£50 Merchandise

Pledge £50 today and we'll reward you with... A (much sought after) Secret Hoodie and Gel Handwraps

£10 or more

£10 Donation

Spare us a tenner to help a business you love get through whatever COVID-19 sends our way.

£150 or more

£150 (10 future classes)

Pledge £150 today and we'll reward you with... 10 future classes

£500 or more

£500 Future Personal Training Sessions

Pledge £500 today and we'll reward you with 8 personal training sessions

£1,499 or more

Annual Membership in Advance

Our all-inclusive annual membership: Includes all regular scheduled classes, 2 x PT sessions, consultation, towel hire, wet bag, gel handwraps, gloves, t-shirt and gumshield and discount on drinks at reception

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