Support Abbots Langley Cricket Club!

by Nikhil Kotecha in Abbots Langley, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £6,235

raised so far



Covid-19 has had a huge impact on grassroots sports. We are raising funds to ensure we can recover as a safer, stronger and better club.

by Nikhil Kotecha in Abbots Langley, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 20th August 2021 we'd raised £5,965 with 66 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

The more money you donate, the bigger our dreams can be and the higher quality our facilities can be!

Our Club

Abbots Langley Cricket Club (ALCC) is a community-based cricket club providing cricket and social opportunities to the local community. We offer cricket to all genders, ethnic backgrounds, and from age 5+ through to senior cricket. 

ALCC plays an important role in the facilitation of getting more people, more active, more often as well as being able to offer vital social support especially to those who have been isolated during the pandemic. Our facilities are used by over 100 people per week. 

ALCC currently have nearly 250 members. We field 11 teams from including two dedicated Girls teams, a Women's section, Boys and Men's Teams. We are excited to also run the ECB All Stars programme for boys and girls aged 5-8 and the Dynamos programme, new this year for 8 - 12 year olds. We have signed up a record 147 juniors from over 80 local families to participate in these programmes - we are so excited to play our part in getting these kids active again as the pandemic recedes. On top of that we are proud to partner with the Hertfordshire Senior Team (Over 65s) who regularly use our facilities.

In order to make sure we retain these new recruits and talent for our future we need to invest in our run-down facilities and ensure we have enough and new equipment for our Juniors to use!

The club is run entirely by volunteers who strive to continually improve our facilities and experience at Manor House Grounds as well as increasing participation in cricket. This is supported by our welcoming and inclusive environment for anyone to play cricket.

We strive to create a welcoming atmosphere for anyone wanting to play cricket, regardless of their ethnicity, disability or any other protected characteristics. We are fiercely proud that the diversity profile of both our junior and senior membership reflects the community we serve and are a part of - hence our strong outreach to local schools. We are also keen to keep improving the health outcomes for all our members and the local community as we educate our members about the health benefits of keeping fit. We know that the more active you are, the less likely you are to suffer ill health. Our members are active so we want to keep growing as a club, making more people healthier, so we need functional facilities and equipment!


Pictured: ALCC

To increase the inclusivity and diversity of our club, we are engaging with local schools in the area to support the delivery of cricket and promote our club initiatives across the junior section. 


Pictured: Under 13’s Girls Team, local champions 

The Projects You Are Funding

ALCC's financial position has, along with many other community-based sports clubs, been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

We have identified 3 focus areas at our club where help is needed to enable us to run a programme of activities that can cater for the physical activity demands of our community. In order to do this we need to: 

  • Improve the facilities at Manor House Grounds

  • Renew and upgrade Junior cricket equipment for training and matches

  • Support our new initiatives for 2021 of Women's & Girls cricket. 

With your help we can achieve these goals and push forwards with our plans for the 2021 season and beyond. All monies raised through this crowdfunding page towards our goals will be used specifically towards the three projects we have identified. 


What will we use the money for?

1) The continued development and upgrade of facilities at Manor House Grounds. This will mainly focus around the improvement of our outdoor nets - replacement nets, renewal of the nets wickets and a new security fence which will ensure the security of the nets and improve their covid safety.

The senior section has roughly doubled in size this year. Everyone is wanting to return to play outdoors after a year inside and we want to provide the facilities that will give our members the best cricket experience while staying safe.

On top of that the nets will be able to be used by all of our members including the Juniors. This will help those playing cricket at young ages stay active as they get older, which we know is a national challenge. We have recently welcomed 147 participants, aged 5 - 12 on the ECB All Stars and Dynamos programme. Upgrading our facilities will mean we can keep encouraging these record numbers into trying our sport for the first time! Anticipated costs are £40,000 so your generosity will be really important! This crowdfunding is an essential part of the viability of our project!


Pictured: ALCC Juniors


2) Continued development of Junior cricket at ALCC

This will include training of coaches (both new coaches as well as Coach Development opportunities), replacing junior equipment to ensure it meets the highest safety standards, and widening the provision of junior training equipment to ensure we are supporting the development of all of our juniors’ skills.

All of these changes will enable us to support more of our parents to become properly qualified and to therefore put on more and better sessions for our Juniors. We have exciting plans for a summer camp for all Juniors this year! 

This support will enable us to continue our work with local schools, bringing cricket and activity to an ever wider set of youngsters.

Getting more junior training kit is also essential for us to make sure sharing is kept to a minimum and ensure we are able to carry out strict covid compliant cleaning regimes.  Anticipated costs are £1K.

3) To support our new initiatives for 2021 of Women's & Girls cricket. 

We are hoping to tap into wider initiatives surrounding women’s cricket this summer, including the ECB Inspired to Play provisions. Led by our Women’s captain, we are committed to building on our strong foundations in this area. We remain one of the few clubs in the County that have a complete offer for girls and women we are proud to be leaders in the County for this and have built up our capacity over a number of years.

We hope to put on a softball day for women, girls and their mums for fitness and engagement with the club. 

The improved facilities will be crucial for the development of our women's and girl's teams.


 Pictured: Girls section, being trained by the England Women’s Captain 

Any surplus money beyond these 3 outlined projects will help us cover our annual "fixed" running costs which include maintenance of the ground and rent. 


How Can You Help Us?

As a volunteer-run club, we need to generate donations from members, friends and the wider community. 

£1000 donation - public recognition of support in the Clubhouse

***£100 donation - voucher for 6 drinks at the bar!!!***

£50 donation - voucher for 2 drinks at the bar

£20  a thank-you shout-out on all our social media

£10 donation - ALCC beanie hat

In addition to what you donate, we are hopeful that Sport England or Hertfordshire County Council will agree to match 100% of donations. This is why supporting ALCC in this particular way is so important - you can double your money!!

Our initial target is £5000, however this is an all or nothing scheme and so if we fail to raise the initial £5000 Sport England or Hertfordshire County Council will not match the donations. 

Please support us and help us develop cricket in the community.

Follow our social media for updates on our progress to reach our aims and improve the club for benefits of all members and users. 

Facebook – Abbots Langley Cricket Club

Twitter and Instagram - @abbotslangleycc

Thank you!

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£100 or more

Voucher for free drinks at the bar!

***£100 donation - voucher for 6 drinks at the bar!!!***

£20 or more

Social media shout-out

We will give you a massive thank you on all our social media channels! Don't forget to give us your full details so we can tag you in our shout-out!

£1,000 or more

Supporter Recognition in the Clubhouse

A fitting and lasting tribute to your generosity towards the club will be erected for all to see. Most likely in the form of a commemorative plaque.

£10 or more

ALCC Beanie Hat

Show your support in all weathers with the limited edition ALCC beanie hat!

Show your support

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