The Dumbarton Constituency is a crucial battleground in this election and the SNP's top target seat.
A vote for the SNP will be a vote to give Scotland a choice over its own future.
Westminster’s handling of Brexit and the Coronavirus pandemic leaves us in no doubt that Scotland is stronger – and safer – when we take decisions ourselves, here in Scotland. In the depth of crisis, we have looked to our own Scottish Government and national Parliament to steer us through. And trust in Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP is at an all-time high.
Yet the Tories in Westminster are inflicting misery on our communities through their callous cuts and a decade of austerity – widening the gap between rich and poor and sentencing thousands of children's to a life in poverty.
Meanwhile, their disastrous Brexit has already shrunk Scotland’s economy by £4 billion. Despite all this, our Labour politicians would rather Scotland be governed by Tory Westminster than build a better Scotland with independence. It’s unforgivable.
This election is our opportunity to build a fairer and more equal Scotland and put Scotland's future in Scotland's hands.
We want to live in a Scotland where every young person has the opportunities to succeed. Where our pensioners can retire with dignity. And where our most vulnerable are protected. Only Toni can be trusted to stand up for our Dumbarton Constituency in our national parliament.
Let's ensure that Toni is elected and keep building the future we deserve. So if you can, donate to Toni's campaign. And let’s bring hope to our communities – that a fairer, greener, more equal independent Scotland is within reach – let’s grasp it with both hands.
You can trust that each and every donation you can afford, large or small, will help elect Toni Giugliano as your MSP. We are committed to spend every donated penny wisely in winning this Scottish Parliament campaign.
Rules and conditions
• Donations of all sizes are very welcome.
• If you are kind enough to donate more than £50 to our campaign please contact us at [email protected] with your name and address as this is a legal requirement.
• Your name and address will be checked against the electoral register to ensure that you are eligible to donate. Your name, but not your address, will be made available to the commission on request after the election.
• We are not allowed to accept donations of more than £50 from anyone not on the UK electoral roll.
Promoted by Richard Trail on behalf of Toni Giugliano, at 10 Havelock Place, Helensburgh, G84 7HJ.