What's going on?
The management at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH), the UK’s world-renowned children's hospital, is refusing to give their cleaners the same conditions as the rest of the staff at the hospital.
Alpha, alongside hundreds of other majority migrant cleaners at GOSH, have had enough and they are now gearing up for strike action.
"We are all migrant workers and we risked our lives in the pandemic to keep the hospital running. All we are asking for is equality with the rest of the NHS staff, we are tired of being treated like second class workers. Taxpayers money should go towards the people that make the hospital run, not the shareholders and boards of private companies. Please support NHS workers by supporting our strike.” - Alpha Anne
The dispute
The cleaners union, United Voices of the World Union (UVW) has long argued that management at GOSH should not treat former outsourced workers as second class. Treating them as such is evidence of deep-rooted, institutional racism at the trust.
UVW believes that all workers in the NHS are essential, and that migrant workers in particular have been left to pick up the bill while private companies siphon millions of pounds out of our NHS. This is why UVW has pledged to end outsourcing and bring all workers in the NHS under the same terms and conditions.
The workers’ demands are to be put on the same terms and conditions as the rest of the NHS staff at the hospital, to end the two-tier system that currently exists there.
The 120 Domestic staff at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) are balloting for massive strike action and they need your support.
These key worker heroes have risked their lives through the pandemic to keep the hospitals clean and patients alive. They deserve to be treated the same as the rest of the staff at the hospital.
Please give generously to help GOSH domestics (Cleaners) win equality with the rest of the NHS staff.
Your donation will be the first step in helping us save our NHS and end the two-tier system that outsourcing has created.