We're still collecting donations
On the 6th January 2021 we'd raised £11,595 with 109 supporters in 55 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has created a very uncertain landscape for our Club and with your help we want to ensure that we can survive.
by Iain Bushell in Stroud, England, United Kingdom
On the 6th January 2021 we'd raised £11,595 with 109 supporters in 55 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Develop the existing facilities to provide a more inclusive environment for the local community
COVID-19 continues to affect all of us in some way and unfortunately Stroud Rugby has not been immune. The combination of no games until the New Year and several unforeseen maintenance issues has meant that we are in danger of a funding deficit this season.
We have made some great strides in resolving some of our maintenance issues and you can see the updates on our videos. without your support, this wouldn't have been possible.
- The leak on our mains water supply has been fixed by installing a new pipe from the main entrance all the way to the changing rooms. Some 150m of trenching was required to be excavated and then backfilled. a massive thankyou to Rupert Wakefield and team from Cotswold Quantity Surveyors for their help. The final connections at either end of the pipe will be undertaken early in the New Year.
- The Water cylinder replacement will take place once the water connections have been completed and this will mean that we will no longer be reliant on the old water tanks that have slowly deteriorated over time.
- The Fire Escape and fire door repairs have been completed meaning that when we can reopen, we will do so safe in the knowledge that people can evacuate safely. a big thank you to James Marchant for his help!
- Flood light failure on the training pitch continues to be a challenge, especially given the pressure on the main pitch with the weather being as wet as it currently is! We are looking to replace the lamps in the short term and this is urgently needed as you will see from our video taken when the seniors were trying to train in the near dark!
A couple of other items have raised their heads over the last month that have required immediate attention, the maintenance of the pitch and the rapid deterioration of the old stand. You can from the videos why action is required asap to ensure that the pitch is in the best state possible when we return and that the old stand is made secure as in its current state, there is a risk of harm to any would be trespassers.
The cost of the above is estimated to be approximately £20,000 which, is a significant number even in non-covid times, but we have made fantastic strides towards this goal and all of us at Stroud Rugby are incredibly grateful for your support thus far!!
I appreciate that these are difficult and different times for all with the various effects on our livelihoods, but I am concerned that our fantastic club may struggle in the future if we cannot meet the short term pressures on our finances.
Thank you so much for your continued support. Together we can ensure that Stroud Rugby remains a part of our community for many years to come.
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