The Storm

by Camila & Sam  in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 5th January 2018 we successfully raised £4,000 with 26 supporters in 36 days

Help Bristol filmmakers fund a short film about a Sandstorm that ravages the British countryside. Filming in December 2017.

by Camila & Sam in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target


Help us secure a super composer to really set the tone for this magnificent little short film.  Having that extra bit of cash means we can hire a top-notch composer to score the soundtrack.  We have someone very special in mind and would so love to compensate them for their time and dedication.  With your help we can add that extra pizzaz to the film!


The Storm is a short dramatic film about a Sandstorm that ravages the British countryside and traps a family  inside a caravan.

It is a passion project that Sam & Camila are raising funds for to shoot in December 2017. Here are some words from Sam about the inspiration behind writing the film:

When I was in London shooting for a commercial recently, storm Ophelia was passing by the west coast of Britain. At 2pm, the sky turned black, the sun became a pink orb, and the wind changed direction. It felt apocalyptic. We made jokes, but quietly, it felt unnerving. All we could do was watch; just reassure ourselves that it would pass. 

This film is built around that feeling. It’s a simple expression of that moment, the feeling of being trapped, helpless against something extreme, something you don’t understand, and the need to downplay any fears and carry on as normal.

The family trapped inside a caravan are a young couple and their parents. The filming will take place in Bristol over 3 days.  The main action is set inside the caravan.   The interior scenes of  the caravan will be filmed inside a studio.  The sandstorm will be brought to life using a combination of practical effects, sound design and CGI.  


We are a Bristol-based husband & wife team who have a passion for short films.  Assembling a group of like-minded individuals and putting our collective energies into making something together is a thrill time and again.  

Sam H. Buchanan is an award-winning filmmaker and the writer and director for The Storm.  He is a Creative and in-house Director at a leading video production agency.  You can learn more about him here.  He is also the writer/director behind The Lion, our latest short film.  You can learn more about that here.

Camila Carlow Buchanan is a Camerawoman and artist.  She likes wearing many hats, and is the producer/camerawoman/make-it-happen-person.  You can learn more about her here, and see some of her artwork here.



In order to make this film, we rely on an enormous amount of time and energy given to us from amazing crew members and organisations who are happy to get involved just for the love of it.  Despite haggling and hustling all about town however, there are still many expenses to cover.  

This time around, we are asking for your generous help.  If we could raise £4,000  we could afford:


Wonderful talent doesn't come for free.  We have an amazing casting agent from London onboard.


The storm will be recreated inside a studio location and filmed inside a caravan.


 Props and wardrobe are a big part of creating the world and making it believable.  And we will need lots of sand!


We will be filming in the winter months, so we will need to feed our cast and crew a warm and hearty meal.  We will have around 13 people on set, over 3 days.   So for breakfast and lunch, that amounts to 52 meals!  



We would like to complete filming just before Christmas, shooting mid-December 2017.  Any funds we receive will go directly into the production in these crucial weeks.   The Storm will be completed in Spring 2018.  

Making this film with your support would mean the world to us.  We can't wait to share it with you, thank you for making this happen.


Sam & Camila


PS - 'The Storm' is a working title 


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£15 or more

Feed an actor

You have warmed the belly of one of our cast or crew by providing a delicious meal. Thank you! You will receive a Thank You credit in the film, get a social media-shout, and be kept up to date with the development of the film, and informed of any screenings.

£25 or more

A Bag of Sand

You have provided us with a bag of sand to simulate a deadly sandstorm, thank you! We will be cleaning it up for ages... You will receive an HD download of the finished film, Plus all of the above.

£50 or more

Family Portrait

We will digitally insert you into a snapshot of the cast in the caravan as if you were part of the family! You were there for us in spirit, so why not show your friends you were there physically too? You will also receive a PDF of the shooting script, Plus all of the above.

£100 or more

1 of 10 claimed

Prop Master

We will include a prop of your choosing, and stealthily insert it into the caravan set! It could be a china tea cup, a favourite book of yours, or hit us with something random of your choice (within reason!). Just give us your suggestion and we will oblige. You will also receive all of the above. *Please note we are filming in mid-December and can only accommodate props before and during the shoot *

£500 or more

Media Frenzy

There is a sequence in the film where social media will be navigated when Marcus is finding out about the storm. We will include your name/twitter/instagram handle and feature it on the movie as he scrolls through the media frenzy on his phone. You will also be named an Associate Producer in the credits. Plus all of the above rewards.

£2,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

Weather God

Help us get to 50% of our target and you get to name the Sandstorm that ravages the caravan in the film! You will get the extra special title of Executive Producer, and if it wins any awards, you will get a special mention. Plus, all of the above rewards. *Please note we are filming in mid-December and need a name to incorporate into the script by then*

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