Stop Funding Hate

by Stop Funding Hate in London, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 25th June 2017 we successfully raised £107,972 with 4848 supporters in 100 days

We're taking on the hate campaigns of the Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express by persuading brands to pull their advertising

by Stop Funding Hate in London, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Update - March 17th 2017: We did it! In just 28 days, 4,639 founding supporters raised £102,051 for Stop Funding Hate - more than double our original target. We will shortly be launching as a fully-fledged campaigning organisation. In the meantime this page will remain open for donations for anyone who would like to add their support.    

We now have a strong base with which to build an organisation, but we have big ambitions, so we’ve set a new target of £100,000.

If you can help us get there, we can have an even greater impact. We’ll employ one full time member of staff, who can focus on campaigning, long-term fundraising and making sure Stop Funding Hate is run to the highest standards. We’ll then have a few part-time staff members who’ll support with communications, awareness raising, managing our amazing volunteers and creative production. We’ll also be able to do more research, which is crucial for showing brands the real effects of funding hate.

So if you haven’t already backed us, please do! We need to raise as much as possible to grow our campaign and do the one thing we all want - end the hate in the Sun, Daily Mail and Express. And if you’ve already given, please share our latest video on Facebook and Twitter. The more people we can reach, the more success we’ll have.

We’re challenging the hate campaigns of the Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express by encouraging Britain’s best-loved brands to pull their ads.

Now we want to establish Stop Funding Hate as a fully-fledged organisation and dial up the pressure. We want to fund our biggest video campaign yet, including high impact advertising where brands and the public will be sure to see it.


Hate crime, racism and xenophobia are on the rise. And so is hostile media coverage towards some of the most vulnerable groups in our society.  Editors have a strong incentive to run these harmful stories: it sells papers - and that means they can earn more from advertising.

But this only works while advertisers turn a blind eye. And with experts warning that hostile media coverage is fuelling hate crime, advertisers who fund xenophobic content  are increasingly being seen as part of the problem.  

Stop Funding Hate works by using consumer power to persuade companies to pull their ads from newspapers that spread fear and hatred. In just a few months, hundreds of thousands of us have spoken out - and had a real impact. Lego and the Body Shop have agreed to end their relationship with the Daily Mail, and a string of Sun online advertisers have pulled their ads. 

But we know that long-term change is going to take time and money. Until now, the campaign has been run entirely by volunteers. Now we want to scale up our activities and build our campaign for the long-term.

The plan

With your help we want to produce the research and campaigning tools that our supporters have been asking for - and take the campaign to a whole new level. 

We will research and publish a list of the major Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express advertisers. We will produce stickers, posters, t-shirts and info packs to enable supporters to raise awareness of the campaign, and the issues it raises, within their local community. And we will launch our biggest video campaign yet, including high impact advertising where brands and the public will be sure to see it. 

The advertisers are beginning to realise that they can’t ignore us. This is our chance to show that we’re in it for the long-haul. 

We want to change the business model that makes hate pay, so that real journalism can be properly rewarded - at a time when it  has never been more needed.

Become a founding supporter and together we can change the media for good.

"I'm very proud of the work you are doing. Many of us are standing with you shoulder to shoulder."

Who we are

Stop Funding Hate is a movement of people who refuse to be demonised or divided against each other. Our core team includes volunteers from a range of backgrounds - media, advertising, law, human rights and campaigning - who have come together because we believe something has gone wrong with the way the press portrays some of the most vulnerable in society.

Since our campaign launched in August, hundreds of thousands have joined us on social media and taken action to encourage brands to pull their advertising from the Sun, Daily Mail and Daily Express.

We are not pushing for any change in the law or regulation. Our aim is simply to tackle the financial incentives that encourage hostile and inaccurate content.

"Long may the campaign continue! It gives me faith in humanity!"

What will your money achieve?

Your support will help Stop Funding Hate become a fully-fledged organisation, with the resources we need to change hearts and minds. So far we've achieved a lot with just a Twitter account and a Facebook page. Now we want to lay the foundations for real success. You can become a founding supporter of a movement to create a media that is fair for everyone. 

£30,000 will provide:

Two amazing campaigners, two days a week £20,000
Running costs, such as website and supporter emails, for one year £2,500
Advertising research and data for one year £4,000
Set up Stop Funding Hate as a Community Interest Company £2,500
Supporter materials, such as t-shirts and postcards £1,000

Your support will also help us to produce impactful videos, buy data and research to back up the campaign and secure online and offline advertising to give the campaign serious impact. 

£20,000 will provide:

Video series with professional producer £5,000
Big screen outdoor advertising £10,000
Mobile advertising at two locations £3,000
Other advertising £2,000

Every penny raised will be spent on achieving our goals. We're a registered company (10430968) and will share updates on how the money is spent with our all supporters. 

"There is a lot of negative change taking place at the moment and I've realised more than ever that if we get complacent and don't stand up for what we believe in, then our opinions don't count in shaping the world around us."

What's next?

Every pledge takes us one step closer to changing the business model of hate. And every follow, share and like grows our voice. Please spread the word on Twitter @StopFundingHate and Facebook, email your friends and family and tell everyone you know how they can get involved. Together we can start funding hope. 


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