Stop 5G Mast by Maidstone Schools

by Katherine Moore in Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom

Stop 5G Mast by Maidstone Schools
We did it
On 26th July 2023 we successfully raised £4,221 with 177 supporters in 49 days

See 'Updates' for the latest developments.

by Katherine Moore in Maidstone, Kent, United Kingdom

Heather Howie
17th July 2023

I'm sending light and love to your project. Thank you.

Paul Fretwell
6th July 2023

Good luck and thanks for your effort for all our children.

Ian Lovett
5th July 2023

Good luck with this important stand!

Duncan Hitchen
4th July 2023

Good luck!

sean T
4th July 2023

the Target is nearly met, You have helped me learn so much

Nick Baldwyn
2nd July 2023

I heard about your circumstances on the Richie Allen show. I'm sorry I can't contribute more, but I hope the little that I can give now does help.

David McKechnie
2nd July 2023

Well Done & Good Luck!

Joanne Allman
1st July 2023

Keep fighting! For the sake of all our children.

Carla nadin
30th June 2023

Good luck and well done! :) x

Jenny owen
30th June 2023

Good luck!!

Sarah Bascombe
30th June 2023

You are doing an amazing job in fighting back against the tyranny. Thank you!

keely spicer
30th June 2023

Sending positive vibes to you. I prayer for more to stand up to this health destroying tech and the other 'agenda' items.

Anna patch
30th June 2023

I hope you can raise enough money now we know about it to take to judicial review

Emma thomas
30th June 2023

Listened to you on Richie Allen Well done ladies . X

Marcela Jelenic
29th June 2023

Good luck, hope you raise the money needed.

Mary Lyons
29th June 2023

Well done ladies. I fully support you.

Clare Benfield
29th June 2023

Heard about you on The Richie Allen Show 🤗

Christina Glancy
29th June 2023

Good luck in all your efforts. Wishing you good luck in this mission.

Mr Charles McCallum
29th June 2023

Thank you for your efforts to protect the children and teachers of your local school. I hope your project is successful in the long term.

Karen Gater
29th June 2023

believing that you will succeed. thank you all

Maria Young
29th June 2023

Heard you on Richie Allen. You are fighting a worthwhile cause, keep it up. Much love

Tom Lee
27th June 2023

Good luck Kate, thank you for taking a stand. Hopefully I will be able to come and stand with you on Thursday 6th July. The last four 5G mast applications in Swale have been refused following campaigning of residents to make objections. We now have another two applications to fight so tomorrow we are out delivering 1,200 leaflets to the first of the two locations. Tom 07766 654241

Pete B
27th June 2023

Sorry to be late to this Kate, I've only just found out about it. I have my own very large legal bill right now due to a work-related mask issue which is going to court next month, but wanted to offer a little bit of support and encouragement for what you are bravely doing.

Sheila Nash
25th June 2023

Good luck!!!

Emily Mandal
25th June 2023

Good luck - thank you for what you are doing.

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