Joe Robbo Robinson is fundraising for
North Tees And Hartlepool NHS Trust General Charitable Fund
Charity No. 1057682
I am raising money for a charitable cause that is very important to me so please donate and help me reach my target in aid of NHS North tees and Hartlepool, Anything you can contribute towards helping me achieve my target will be massively appreciated. I would love to raise £300.00 as a bare minimum. I am going to complete this challenge on Friday 29/5 come rain or shine hopefully SHINE :). If any one wants to pop passed on this day feel free keeping social distance obviously but it will help me spread the word and get as much money for the north east as possible. I would like to finish by saying a big
THANK YOU in advance and please please share this post as much as you can and lets support our great NHS and
Kayley Arnold
13th June 2020 at 7:19pmWell done Joey :)
Kayley Arnold
13th June 2020 at 7:18pmpledged £5
Scott Anderson
2nd June 2020 at 2:39pmUNEVEN NUMBERS ARGGGGGGGGGGG bet gemma could do this but with video games :D
Scott Anderson
2nd June 2020 at 2:39pmpledged £4
1st June 2020 at 10:06pmpledged £10
30th May 2020 at 10:25pmpledged £10
29th May 2020 at 11:57pmpledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid
Beth Corbett
29th May 2020 at 9:35pmpledged £5
Stuart Anderson
29th May 2020 at 7:34pmpledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid
Ermis Madikopoulos
29th May 2020 at 6:59pmpledged £10
Ermis Madikopoulos has also backed 2 other projects