Both of our school playgrounds and playground equipment are a located within the secure grounds of the school. The playground areas are a space for our pupils to play and interact positively with their peers during school hours.
Unfortunately over many years the playgrounds have deteriorated due to wear and tear and separation of the soft play areas that keep the children safe. The school playgrounds and playground equipment desperately need refurbishment. It may be that we will soon be forced to make the decision whether we can continue letting our pupils access certain play areas.
What the money will be spent on
Our Crowdfunder appeal is to hopefully secure £25,000 in total. This amount will pay for the cost of replacing all of the of soft play areas and the remainder will go towards repainting the playground markings and repairing the climbing frames and equipment in the school play areas.
About the School
St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School is a one and a half form entry primary school with approximately 335 pupils located in Clapham the borough of Lambeth. The school building and its site date back to the 1860s We use every piece of outside space for the benefit of the children including three spaces which are quiet areas to support our pupils mindfulness.