Help roof the Roundhouse of Spirit Horse

by Spirit Horse in United Kingdom

Help roof the Roundhouse of Spirit Horse
We did it
On 4th October 2019 we successfully raised £2,559 with 45 supporters in 14 days

Roofing the Roundhouse at Spirit Horse

by Spirit Horse in United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Spirit Horse, a secret kingdom where nature is allowed to return to her original face, is home to a number of ceremonial structures, all built by the loving hands of an ecstatic community, in love with making beautiful shelters which house beautiful things. 

Any extra funds raised will support the upkeep and creativity of these temple spaces, which become home to a remaking of culture, a rewilding of people, and a returning to original nature, simplicity and the majesty of Life. 

They are built honouring the old ways with exquisite attention and a fiery passion of making home.  Lead by master carpenter Shivam O'Brien, the building crew use natural and recycled materials only, connected to and revering from whence it came. This is an example of an eco-village, demonstrating true sustainability, and a new way of living in this world which is so utterly needed at this present time. 

Your support is huge. Thank you.

Help us roof the Roundhouse at Spirit Horse, Wales.


This magnificent structure, built to house a rebirth of sacred culture and communal reverence for nature, sits beneath a waterfall overlooking 200 acres of land which was purchased purely to let it all go wild. 

Erected on oak posts, rammed into the earth, this roundhouse resembles in all ways those of our celtic ancestors and has been made by the joyous sweat and ecstatic creativity of a tribal mirth and collective dream, described as rare in these days. 

We want to roof it in shingles from the local forest. We urgently need 2,378 pounds to buy a lorry load of Douglas fir. The rest of the work we will manage (with the will and gut and strength of all of those people who have fell in love again with life here.)

See here in these pictures above, a small timber shrine that we built to house our generator, to honour the tiny bit of fossil fuel that runs our saws. It’s roofed in larch shingles. It’s a tiny building, but the whole majestic roundhouse could look like that, merging into the wild forest and the mountain grandeur that surrounds it. 

Inside the roundhouse:


The pathway to the Roundhouse:

Spirit Horse is a small secret kingdom that brings people back to the earth and to themselves, in radical spiritual and emotional honesty, working outside the commercial box. All who contribute to this small fund are welcome to visit, share our fire, supper and stories next May and June. If we manage to gather more money it will go towards the potatoes and trays of tea for all the volunteer builders, cooks and helpers. If you want to be one of them; get in touch. 

Love and greetings from the Spirit Horse Tribe, rewilding people, land, culture and life.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£50 or more

£50 Reward - How to Build an Eco Village

On May 23rd, Shivam will be holding an evening talk available to all who pledge £50. How to Build an Eco Village - this is an evening talk, followed by breakfast the following day and a Tour of the Village Recommended watch: The Tao of Natural Community (Spirit Horse Village YouTube)

£15 or more

£15 Reward - A Guided Meditation from Shivam

If you pledge £15 you will receive a guided meditation MP3 in the Art of Non-Doing, by Shivam O'Brien

£25 or more

2 of 22 claimed

£25 Reward - Notch made in the Roundhouse itself

A ritual making of praise an thanks, with your name reciting in gratitude and praise. We will create a notch in the roundhouse in your honour.

£50 or more

6 of 50 claimed

£50 Reward - 20% Discount off your next EI

By pledging £50, a 20% discount will be honoured when you book your Enlightenment Intensive, a 3 day self enquiry into the nature of Being. For more info on what this is, visit

£99 or more

£99 Reward -East meets West bodywork for beginners

A reward of £99 gives you a place on Tahunter's Top-to-Toe from around the World weekend programme (2 days and 1 night) 5th-6th June, 2020

£150 or more

0 of 44 claimed

£150 Reward - Blessing Boat Ceremony & Stay

For a pledge of £150, we invite you to the valley on September 28th. Together we will create blessing boats and take a pilgrimage to the open waters of this land to release our prayers. You are invited to eat with us, and stay for the evening and allow all to naturally unfold. We will have dinner and breakfast together, and you are welcome to take rest in our Spiral Yurt or Red Temple, Men's or Women's Lodges.

£200 or more

1 of 100 claimed

200 Reward - Woodworking Masterclass weekend

On May 15-17th 2020 - Woodworking Masterclass with Tahantar and Shivam and the Spirit Horse Tribe Three nights, two days. An introduction to wood from the forest, basic joinery, hand tools, power tools and indigenous design.

£475 or more

0 of 12 claimed

£475 Reward - Romantic Weekend in the Valley

For £475, a weekend stay for you and your beloved in the abundant beauty of the valley, with total seclusion. From Friday evening to Sunday mid-afternoon. Dates open for discussion!

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