Music has the power to transform young lives. Sistema Cymru - Codi’r To is urgently appealing for your support to save our vital work with children in two communities in Gwynedd.
Donate to this charity
Total raised so far £6,130
+ est. £1388.75
0Music has the power to transform young lives.
Who is Codi'r To?
Codi'r To is a community music project inspired by the world renowned El Sistema programme aimed at improving educational and well-being outcomes for children who face socio-economic challenges. We work with pupils in Ysgol Maesincla, Caernarfon and Ysgol Glancegin, Maesgeirchen, Bangor. Our aim is to provide inspiration and transformation for children, families, schools and communities, changing lives for the better through music. We deliver weekly music sessions to over 500 pupils including after school clubs, samba club, community performances, annual Birthday Concerts, school holiday clubs, take a musician home for tea concerts and opportunities for pupils to enjoy performances by professional musicians and orchestras.
"I think it is a brilliant programme and has given my son a sense of achievement, confidence and being part of a team." - Quote from a parent
Mae Codi'r To yn brosiect adfywio cymunedol sydd wedi'i ysbrydoli gan y rhaglen fyd-enwog El Sistema. Rydym yn cynnal sesiynau cerddoriaeth wythnosol yn Ysgol Glancegin, Bangor ac Ysgol Maesincla, Caernarfon i dros 500 o ddisgyblion, gan gynnwys clybiau ar ôl ysgol, clwb samba, perfformiadau cymunedol, cyngherddau Pen Blwydd blynyddol, clybiau gwyliau, cyngherddau amser te a chyfleoedd i ddisgyblion fwynhau perfformiadau gan gerddorion proffesiynol.
Why the community needs us?
The primary objective of all El Sistema projects is to achieve social change through music. The Codi'r To project challenges deprivation, raising expectations and supporting participants as they learn to believe in their own abilities and recognise their own potential. With regular participation in music from an early age we aim to raise levels of confidence, aspiration, pride and happiness.
We know that this is a really difficult time to be asking for money. We are also feeling the impact and the COVID-19 pandemic and cost-of-living crisis. These pressures have reduced the amount of money we have been able to raise from grants and public funders.
At the same time the needs of the children and families we support are rapidly increasing, without your support we cannot keep up with community demand for free, fun, creative and expressive music activities that support people to express themselves and raise self-esteem and wellbeing. Support that has never been more needed.
Mae gan gerddoriaeth bŵer i drawsnewid bywydau ifanc. Prif nod Sistema Cymru Codi'r To yw creu newid cymdeithasol drwy gerddoriaeth. Mae prosiect Codi'r To yn herio amddifadedd, yn gwella disgwyliadau ac yn cefnogi'r cyfranogwyr wrth iddynt ddysgu credu yn eu gallu eu hunain a chydnabod eu potensial. Drwy gymryd rhan yn rheolaidd mewn cerddoriaeth o oedran ifanc ein nod ni yw gwella lefelau hyder, dyhead, balchder a hapusrwydd.
Our impact on the community
A recent economic evaluation of Codi'r To by Bangor University reveals that the value of the project extends far beyond the playing of musical instruments. This report found that for every £1 invested in the project, £6.69 is created in social value. 98% of parents feel that Codi'r To has been of benefit to their child and 92% have seen an improvement in their child's confidence.
Mae gwerthusiad economaidd diweddar o Codi'r To gan Brifysgol Bangor yn datgelu bod gwerth y prosiect yn ymestyn ymhell y tu hwnt i chwarae offerynnau cerdd. Canfu'r adroddiad yma bod £6.69 yn cael ei greu mewn gwerth cymdeithasol am bob £1 sy'n cael ei buddsoddi yn y prosiect. Mae 98% o'r rhieni'n teimlo bod Codi'r To wedi bod o fudd i'w plentyn ac mae 92% wedi gweld gwelliant yn hyder eu plentyn.
Every pledge will go towards teaching music and transforming lives and will help Codi’r To to provide life-changing opportunities and experiences for our pupils.
We truly appreciate any donation towards our charity to ensure the continuation of our project and to support our priceless work.
We’re proud to offer unique rewards in exchange for your kind support. Tickets to Codi’r To Birthday concerts in Pontio and Galeri and a special and unique Christmas performance by Codi’r To tutors in your home!
Throughout the campaign we’ll keep you up to date with our progress, as we attempt to reach our ambitious fundraising target of £12,000.
Please donate today to help us reach our goal. Together we can support our pupils to believe in their own abilities, raise levels of confidence, aspiration, pride and wellbeing.
Thank you for all your kind support,
Diolch yn fawr am bob cefnogaeth,
Oddi wrth griw Codi’r To x