Signed 1st Ed 'Tales from Topographic Ocean' - Yes

by Ross Revenge Home of Radio Caroline in Maldon, Essex, United Kingdom

Signed 1st Ed 'Tales from Topographic Ocean' - Yes
We did it
On 15th June 2024 we successfully raised £645 with 27 supporters in 21 days

This prize draw is running to raise money for urgent structural repairs to our radio ship 'Ross Revenge' in dry dock to secure her futureI

by Ross Revenge Home of Radio Caroline in Maldon, Essex, United Kingdom

Individual prize draws are not promoted or endorsed by Crowdfunder. See Terms & Conditions

 New stretch target

There is no upper limit to what can be spent on 'Ross Revenge'. Our priority is very urgent hull and deck work to secure her future. With extra funding we would be able to refurbish the ship further. We would like to see her engines run again and restore her to her former glory. We also plan to create an interactive visitor centre in the forepeak to show the fascinating broadcasting and fishing history of the vessel to schools, groups and individuals.

1715267111_signature_small.jpgThe Prize1715267093_rick_wakeman_signed.jpg1715267085_roger_dean_small.jpg

Our prize is a first edition pressing of the Yes vinyl double album 'Tales from Topographic Oceans', signed by Yes keyboardist Rick Wakeman and album artwork artist Roger Dean. 2024 is the 50th anniversary of the album1715267073_vinyls_with_cover_small.jpg.

The album cover was signed by Rick Wakeman as 'Rick Wakeman Train Driver' when he unveiled and drove the 'Radio Caroline' locomotive at Mangapps Railway Museum in Burnham-on-Crouch last year (photo). It was also signed by artist Roger Dean at his art exhibition at the Ubicua Gallery in  London recently (photo by Richard Harvie) . 

The album is in good used condition

Kindly donated by Jack Muldoon


The Cause

‘Ross Revenge' is in urgent need of dry docking, where surveys and structural repairs can be carried out. Our prize draws supplement our fundraising appeal to achieve our goal of securing the future of our historic ship for generations to come. The former pirate radio ship 'Ross Revenge' is still regularly broadcasting at sea today and more than 1,200 visitors tour the ship each year. The vessel is an important part of both deep sea fishing and broadcasting history. To lose her would be a tragedy.

Entry options


£10 donation

1 entry


£25 donation

4 entries


£50 donation

10 entries

Postal entry

Send your details to:
Signed 1st Ed 'Tales from Topographic Ocean' - Yes
Radio Caroline, PO Box 12524
Maldon, Essex CM9 9EX

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