Acid Croft Vol 9 on vinyl

by Shooglenifty in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

We did it
On 18th May 2021 we successfully raised £1,580 with 53 supporters in 35 days

We'd like to bring out our recent album release, Acid Croft Vol 9 on vinyl, in black and limited edition green.

by Shooglenifty in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

"It's just pure dead brilliant" – Liz Lochhead

The last year has been tough for all us musicians. We were lucky to have our new album, Acid Croft Vol 9, in the can when lockdown happened, but, save for a few online opportunities, we have not been able to hit the road to promote it or meet our audience at the merch table.

Funds are low, but we are very proud of the new album and keen to release it on vinyl. In order to help us pay for manufacture we need to collect pre-orders upfront.

Apart from the recommendation of poet and playwright Liz Lochhead (see above) we've been delighted with the reviews for the new album. Here are a few more ...

"An epic cinematic set ... it moves the spirit as much as the body *****" – Oz Hardwick, RnR Magazine

"A zest and zeal that lives up to their reputation as modernisers of traditional Scottish music via their own genre acid croft ****" – Colin Irwin, Mojo

Most of our past year has been filled with other projects, domestic and otherwise, and not being able to get together as often as we'd like. However we have made a few mad cap promotional videos, formed out of our own imagination and produced by the Shoogle collective. Here's one we brought out in September ...

We have all the elements in place for this new release: vinyl master by the maestro Calum Malcolm, cover art by Ashley Cook that will look awesome in 12 inch, and eight kick-ass tracks for cranking up to 11.

All we need is the cash to take it to press. Pre-orders are available for £21 (black vinyl) and £24 (green vinyl) inc UK p&p (additional postage charges apply to overseas orders). We also have a few signed copies up for grabs.

So please pre-order today and tell all your friends!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£21 or more

13 of 100 claimed

Acid Croft Vol 9 on black vinyl

Shooglenifty's ***** 2020 album release, Acid Croft Vol 9 on black vinyl delivered to your door. Comes with download code for listening when you are separated from your trusty record player. Price includes UK delivery.

£24 or more

10 of 100 claimed

Acid Croft Vol 9 on limited edition green vinyl

Shooglenifty's ***** 2020 album release, Acid Croft Vol 9 on limited edition green vinyl delivered to your door. Comes with download code for listening when you are separated from your trusty record player. Price includes UK delivery.

£24 or more

19 of 100 claimed

Acid Croft Vol 9 on limited edition green vinyl

Shooglenifty's ***** 2020 album release, Acid Croft Vol 9 on limited edition green vinyl delivered to your door. Comes with download code for listening when you are separated from your trusty record player. Price includes UK delivery.

£40 or more

0 of 10 claimed

SIGNED Acid Croft Vol 9 on black vinyl

A signed copy of Shooglenifty's ***** 2020 album release, Acid Croft Vol 9 on black vinyl delivered to your door. Comes with download code for listening when you are separated from your trusty record player. Price includes UK delivery.

£50 or more

9 of 10 claimed

SIGNED Acid Croft Vol 9 on ltd edition green vinyl

A signed copy of Shooglenifty's ***** 2020 album release, Acid Croft Vol 9 on limited edition green vinyl delivered to your door. Comes with download code for listening when you are separated from your trusty record player. Price includes UK delivery.

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