New stretch target
Enfield Town FC will invest further into ground improvements Should we achieve a target greater than first envisaged
The global pandemic has denied Enfield Town FC Match Day and commercial income which has left a hole in meeting costs for scheduled works
by Enfield Town FC in Enfield, England, United Kingdom
Enfield Town FC will invest further into ground improvements Should we achieve a target greater than first envisaged
The first supporter-owned club in the country formed in 2001, Enfield Town Football Clubs vision is to be an inclusive club for all and a football and social centre for the community, with a range of teams playing at the highest sustainable levels possible, and its growth is ongoing. The sustainable success of the club both on and off the field depends on its supporters and it has been lucky to have had a dedicated fan base and committed sponsors throughout its life, and has come a long way in a relatively short space of time.
The club moved into the refurbished Queen Elizabeth II Stadium in Donkey Lane, Enfield in 2011 and has since also been a major stakeholder, in partnership with the council, in the launch and use of additional 3G facilities close to the ground. Enfield Town FC Supporters Society members and other fans currently contribute regularly via various schemes, including monthly contribution and other subscription schemes, and the club simply could not survive without this generosity.
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the 2019-20 season for all Enfield Town FC teams was ended with results expunged, and there will be a fresh start for a new season whenever government guidelines indicate that it is safe to do so. With that in mind, and with a 2020-21 campaign start date unknown at this time, the club has been encouraged by the securing of the impact of COVID-19 relief grant funding, supplemented by vital ongoing donations, in order to help balance the books and keep the club ticking over during its mothballing for the foreseeable future. But there remains a lot of work to be done before football starts again in order to minimise the adverse impact of the current difficult financial circumstances that the club is having to manage.
Our aim is to invest all monies donated and raised via Crowdfunding in scheduled Floodlights and General Ground Improvements.
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