We Did It!
With the welcome support of our members and friends, we have succeeded in raising our target sum. We'd like to thank everyone who donated, took an interest and helped to spread the word.
This feasibility study is the first step towards the re-introduction of hydro power in South Hill.
Thank you all very much x
What do we want to do?
We are working towards a more self-sufficient South Hill Parish by reducing our carbon footprint in a variety of ways.
Historically, the Parish ran five water mills; we want to start to bring back this sustainable form of energy generation on a tributary of the River Lynher which runs through the parish.
You can help us reintroduce hydropower into our community by contributing a small amount of money to fund a feasibility study which will be the foundation of this project.
The five water mills in South Hill Parish once made the parish fairly self-sufficient in sustainable energy. Now we import most of our energy in the form of electricity and oil but a recent Carbon Audit showed that we could be self-sufficient again using a combination of solar, wind and hydropower. This would make a massive contribution to reducing the carbon footprint of our parish.
We have identified a small river in the parish that used to power two separate water wheels. SHARE has done some calculations based on the catchment areas for the old systems and the data available for the River Lynher of which our stream is a tributary. We have studied similar systems elsewhere and organised a guided visit for our members to Cotehele Mill where the National Trust have a small turbine.
How are we going to do it?
The power from a water turbine is determined by the head and flow of the water. The first is easily found by looking at the contours on a map. For the second, the flow of water needs to be measured at least every hour, for a minimum of a whole year. This can be done using a purpose designed weir with solar powered monitoring equipment to capture the data. This is then transmitted from the site using the mobile phone network, which we have tested.
Once we have the data, SHARE will use a consultant to determine potential sites and sizes for the water turbine. All SHARE full members will have their say.
SHARE only needs your help now with the feasibility study. This will cost £3,571 but the Cornwall Council Town and Parish Council and Community Group Fund will match fund 50% and some money could come from SHARE's reserves.
You can show your support by donating any amount over £1, to help raise this relatively small amount of money to kick-start our project. Please help now.
The eventual full project will reduce the cost of electricity in the parish, reduce our carbon emissions and have benefits that will last for decades.
Next steps
If the feasibility study has a positive outcome, SHARE has the skills needed to complete this project.
Our 40kW solar PV installation on a local agricultural building has demonstrated that SHARE has the expertise to project manage installations of this type and scale. The project could be financed with a Low Carbon Society loan or alternatively by share offer or loans from members which has proved to be successful for us before.
The importance of replacing fossil fuel electricity generation with sustainable power from renewable sources is a key part of tackling climate change. Generating electricity locally minimises transmission losses. The power grid is getting "smarter" so soon it will be possible to have a cheaper local electricity tariff. SHARE members will decide, after all the costs have been paid for, how surplus income will be used to develop new projects or for community purposes within South Hill.
Industrial Archeology
There are some visible remains of the 19th century waterwheel and other historical artifacts along the old leat. It's really important to preserve these remains.
The river we want to measure flows through a wooded valley bordered by farmland. SHARE has consulted with experts who have surveyed the flora and fauna. This will be used to make informed and sustainable decisions about any future work. SHARE has a woodland management plan in place to improve the area and enhance the biodiversity, which has been agreed by all the relevant landowners and obtained the necessary felling licenses from the Forestry Commission.
Our Vision
Part of our vision as a society is the generation of our own sources of economical, renewable energies and ultimately to provide security and resilience of energy supply for the Parish and the Society’s Members.
We want to see waterpower being harnessed again in South Hill parish.
Please help NOW by pledging your support. You can donate any amount over £1.