Help us STOP this incinerator from getting through planning! We need your help to buy banners, posters and to pay for the distribution of leaflets.
We need to get our message to as many people as possible - beyond social media. Not enough people know about this obscenity being planned for our town. 300 metres from a large housing estate, too close to businesses and far too near the town centre. The plume from the 50 metre chimney has the potential to spread toxic fumes for miles and miles.
Our aim is to raise as much money as we can to spread the message far and wide to send a collective message that Consett does not want or need this incinerator.
Email: [email protected] Quote: DM/20/03267/WAS
Go the the Facebook Page: Say No to Consett Incinerator
Our town and our region need to stand together to STOP this!
Reasons to object:
- It is in conflict with planning policies for the area, there are a great deal of new houses and planning for new houses in this area. Such a building will have a negative impact on the popularity and growth of the whole town.
* The height of a proposed building will potentially overshadow neighbouring properties to an unreasonable extent and will be an eyesore, spoiling the fabulous views we have of the Derwent Valley in that area of the town.
* The increase in noise, disturbance, the level of traffic would also be harmful because there will be greater increase of lorries bringing in waste to be disposed of.
*The potential increase of terrible smells is also a concern - especially so near the town.
* The appearance of a proposed incinerator is detrimental to the whole town. It is too close to dwellings and shops.
In relation to County Durham Council Policy- here are the issue related to this proposal and they also indicate why I oppose it:
* Policy 29 Sustainable Design
The proposed development and anticipated significant and harmful landscape and visual effects would be contrary to the requirements of this policy.
* Policy 39 landscape
The development proposals could potentially cause unacceptable harm to the landscape setting of the Area of High Landscape Value. The proposals would bring about substantial adverse, permanent and therefore significant landscape and visual effects locally. Such an eyesore in such a central location is detrimental to the future success and development of the town.
* County Durham Waste Local Plan Policies - Saved Policy W6 Design
- ‘New buildings for waste management uses should be carefully sited and designed to complement the location and existing topography...’
The design and location of the building is contrary to this -- it is a monstrosity and will destroy the look of the countryside near the Viaduct.
We will lose far more revenue for the town than we will gain.
Donate today - help us Say No To Consett Incinerator
‘Waste incinerators are three times as likely to be situated in the most deprived and ethnically diverse areas of the UK, it has been revealed, raising fears about the impact on air quality and the health of vulnerable people.’
‘More than two-thirds of the potential incinerators in England are planned for the northern half of the country.’
“Incineration is an expensive and outdated technology that has no part to play in the closed-loop circular economy towards which we are moving.”
‘... not enough attention has been paid to microscopic air pollution from incinerators. A study by Zero Waste Europe suggests even state-of-the-art modern incinerators emit dangerous pollutants.’
‘Dowen, national coordinator of UKWIN, said: “Public concerns about adverse health impacts associated, both directly and indirectly, with incinerators and poor air quality...’
UK waste incinerators three times as likely to be in deprived areas | Incineration | The Guardian