We're still collecting donations
On the 1st December 2020 we'd raised £19,516 with 555 supporters in 213 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
+ est. £3005.25
We are part of a national initiative launched by the Music Venue Trust to prevent the closure of 100s of independent music venues.
by The Stables MK in Wavendon, England, United Kingdom
On the 1st December 2020 we'd raised £19,516 with 555 supporters in 213 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis continues to make it difficult for music venues to operate in a sustainable way. Most artists are not yet confident to put together touring schedules for fear of local lockdowns and the challenges of making socially distanced gigs financially viable. Nevertheless, over the next few months we are keen to restart our education programme with a series of workshops and to pilot a few gigs to help encourage the whole industry to get back on its feet. It won't be easy, everything we do is likely to cost more than we make, but we do believe it's worth us doing something to keep in touch with audiences and offer a sense of purpose for artists, crew and experienced tutors and staff as the furlough scheme unwinds. We are only able to do this thanks to the support of Arts Council England, and with the support of trusts, foundations and many individuals who have made awards and donations. If you can, please continue to support us with a donation as we take our first tentative steps bak to recovery - you really will be making a difference!
The Stables is part of a national initiative launched by Music Venue Trust to prevent the closure of hundreds of independent music venues.
Due to the lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic there are no artists on our stages, no customers enjoying live music and no young people participating in our music- making sessions.
The Stables is marking its 50th birthday this year and we are heart-broken that we have had to postpone over 200 events. As a registered charity we aim to reach the widest range of people with music in all its diversity and we normally present over 400 gigs and over 200 learning and participation sessions each year. We also produce and present a number of festivals and special events including IF: Milton Keynes International Festival.
Now, we need your help!
Your donations will be used to help us cover our essential costs to maintain a skeleton staff rescheduling and promoting shows, dealing with customer enquiries, maintaining our facilities and planning for the future to ensure we can reopen as soon as we can.
We are also acutely aware that many other venues across the country are in difficulty and that without help now the national network that enables artists to tour and develop their fan base may disappear. So, if we hit our target, and we can help prevent the closure of our venue, everything above the amount we raise will be donated to the Music Venue Trust GMV Crisis Fund to protect other venues just like ours, right across the country.
So, if you can, please give us a gift for our birthday and help us to bring you the best in live music for decades to come. Thank you!
We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see our Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.
This project offered rewards