Stage & Radio has joined the national initiative launched by Music Venue Trust to prevent the closure of hundreds of independent music venues who are currently in crisis.
Since 16 March 2020 we have been unable to host events in our space which made up over 90% of our income.
We have also been unable to support the careers and ambitions of all our freelancers, artists, promoters & everyone involved that made our space the venue we all love and cherish.
Over the last 10 months we have been unable to host over 120 events which would have seen over 400 artists and 18,000 patrons through our doors.
We didn't receive the governments Culture Recovery Fund.
Unfortunately, like many of our smaller grassroots spaces, Stage & Radio was not on the receiving end of the governments Culture Recovery Fund.
Since March the venue has built arrears of £15,000 and will continue to go further and further into debt until we are able to trade at full capacity.
Right now whilst we are in our third national lockdown our only income is £1300 per month from the Local Restrictions Support Grant. Which only covers a marginal amount of our usual rent and pushes us towards imminent closure.
We will continue to fight this battle and try our best to stay alive but we are now turning to our patrons for support.
How you can help save Stage & Radio
Your donations will be used to help ensure the survival of our venue and support work it delivers for artists, audiences and communities in and around Manchester.
Donors of £10 are welcome to a free pint when we’re able to re open our doors. The first 100 donations of £15 or more will receive a free ticket to our re-launch event once we are permitted to open as a club.
Music Venue Trust have also created #SaveOurVenues merchandise including t-shirts, facemasks, snoods and more which can be chosen as a reward in exchange for a donation to our Crowdfunder.