Save West Green Playgroup - Tottenham N17

by Debbie - West Green Playgroup in London, England, United Kingdom

Save West Green Playgroup - Tottenham N17

Total raised £8,114

raised so far

+ est. £1466.25 Gift Aid



Our aim is to ensure the future of the West Green Playgroup to give the children in our community the best start in life...

by Debbie - West Green Playgroup in London, England, United Kingdom

Save West Green Playgroup – Tottenham N17

Without your support West Green Playgroup won’t be here for the families of this brilliant neighbourhood. We’re not a council-run nursery, or a private business; we are a charity that operates not for profit, reinvesting any surplus into the development of the playgroup.

It is with a heavy heart that we now have to ask you to help us keep the doors of our playgroup open, so we can be here for future generations of children. We know the Coronavirus crisis is hitting people’s pockets, hearts and health, but if you can, please donate to our Crowdfunder.


Here for local families

West Green Playgroup has been open for the children of Tottenham and the surrounding area since 1973.

Tucked away between Keston Road and Downhills Park we have been lucky enough to have welcomed thousands of children and their families over the years.

Our open door approach, the love of the dedicated staff and supportive parents has made our playgroup into one of the most popular groups in the area.

The majority of our parents come to us by word of mouth from existing and past families. We actually now have parents who as children, attended the playgroup themselves!

Many of the parents whose children are now grown-up still support us at our fundraising events and keep in touch.

We understand that during these uncertain times our families and children are facing many difficulties. Financial & emotional!

West Green Playgroup is a family, and like all families we stick together.


How we’re funded

As a not for profit registered charity (Charity: 1032801) all monies received are ploughed back into the playgroup to cover; running costs, salaries, resources, the list goes on.

We do not receive any form of grant funding.

Our income comes in two ways:

  • Department for Education funding for some 2 year olds and for 3 and 4 year olds along with the 30 hour funding. That funding is equivalent to just over £5 per hour per child!!!!!  This falls way below what we actually need to keep the playgroup running.
  • Fees from our parents who take up additional hours or who are not funded.

We also undertake fundraising activities throughout the year to make up any shortfall, and so we can make sure the children benefit from new experiences, like our growing garden and outdoor toys.

Just 41% of our income comes by way of fees. Many playgroups and nurseries in Haringey are continuing to ask their parents for either full fees or reduced rate fees even though they are closed.  


The impact of the Coronavirus crisis on us

After many hours of deliberation we decided that we cannot ask our parents to continue paying for a service they are not receiving!

We have only been able to furlough 2 members of our staff because we have also been promised the Department for Education funding. We can only claim back from the Job Retention Scheme, around 33% of our monthly salary bill.

As you may know the government announced the date of the 1st of June for preschools to start reopening. If this goes ahead, the measures we will need to put in place could mean fewer children attending less sessions each week. With only 6 weeks left of the summer term there is no way for us to generate enough money to cover the running costs of the playgroup. In addition we have no income coming in from mid-July until the end of August while we are closed for the summer break. The Department for Education funding covers only 39 weeks of the year.

We must also face the possibility that some of our parents and prospective parents may want to keep their children at home for longer or until a vaccine has been found. As much as we will support every families decision, we must also realise this will affect our income.


Please support us

We are incredibly lucky to have extremely supportive parents, but they alone cannot provide the financial support we need to see us through this difficult time to ensure the future of West Green Playgroup.

It is with a very heavy heart that we find ourselves seeking support from the wider community.

All donations, no matter how large or small will be gratefully received.

As a small gesture to thank everyone who donates, we would like to invite you to join us at the playgroup for a ‘Thank You Celebration’. Obviously this can’t happen until it is safe to do so but we do hope you will be able to join us when the time comes!

Please share/tell everyone and anyone who’ll listen about our Crowdfunder.

Your support is vital to the future of the West Green Playgroup.

On behalf of the Children & Staff, thank you!

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