Save the Star

by Star of Greenwich in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Save the Star
We did it
On 19th March 2023 we successfully raised £11,677 with 187 supporters in 28 days

We are reopening the old Star & Garter pub in East Greenwich as a radically inclusive community hub.

by Star of Greenwich in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

This would allow us to get our community kitchen and kids clubs started sooner than expected


Welcome to the Star of Greenwich community hub! Our aim is to bring together different parts of the local community and provide a welcoming space where people from all walks of life can come together to build relationships and support one another.

But we need your help to make this happen. We're looking for generous donations to help us get up and running, buy essential stock, get a dishwasher, and pay for professional staff to run the pub.


Star of greenwich t shirts in yellow and green

Our consultation has shown that the most popular ideas for the hub include a community kitchen, where surplus food is turned into affordable meals for people in need. We plan to work in partnership with the Lewisham based Plateful Cafe to reduce the stigma of poverty, provide help for recent refugees, and break down barriers between different communities.

We also want to create a space for local community groups to meet and offer co-working spaces, subsidized for those who need them most - like single parents trying to get back into work. Affordable kids clubs are almost impossible to find in London, so we want to provide a safe and fun space for children to play, while their parents work or participate in community activities.

We will generate income through traditional public house activities, such as selling food and drinks, and by providing co-working spaces during the day. Profits will be reinvested in community activities and providing space and facilities for a diverse range of community groups.

We will also set up a community kitchen to provide non-judgmental pay-what-you-can dinner clubs using surplus food from ours and other local catering operations.

Through our regular food provision and community activities, we want to help people out of work, including refugees, find their way in the catering industry. Through paid roles, we will help them gain experience and exposure to set out on their own.

We want to work out a way to responsibly support people with young children in the nearby area. 

We believe that a well-run, professional public house can support a range of community activities and provide a sustainable model for the future. 

By donating to the Star of Greenwich community hub, you can help us create a welcoming space where everyone is welcome and supported.

Thank you to our partners Co-operatives UK and the Plunkett Foundation for helping us get this far, plus Csaba, Eleanor and Isaac from Here Design.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£40 or more

30 of 30 claimed

Star of Greenwich T Shirt

A limited run of Star of Greenwich T Shirts - created by the fantastic team at Here design

£20 or more

10% off

10% off all drinks and food at the pub when we open for 1 month

£125 or more

Your name in lights

You'll get added to our wall of legends in the pub. Plus you'll get featured across our social media and website. Available to individuals or companies

£250 or more

3 of 10 claimed

A free party at the new Star of Greenwich

Free venue hire for a party at the reopened Star of Greenwich

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