20 years ago I set up The Harrison Pub and Grassroots Music Venue in Kings Cross. Thanks to our wonderfully dedicated staff, we have built The Harrison from the worst pub in Kings Cross (really!!) into a cherished, award winning and officially recognised Asset of Community Value. Sadly, this is now all under threat.
Like all pubs and venues, the Pandemic hit The Harrison hard. The Government closed us in the Lockdowns, placed crippling trading restrictions during Social Distancing and paid our customers to stay out of Central London during Furlough.
We were also excluded from the lucrative Cultural Recovery Fund, which saved many UK venues, just because I am registered as a Sole Trader rather than a Limited Company. (I know!!)
Despite the overwhelming challenges we have faced, bizarrely the UK courts have ruled that we still have to pay our Landlords the full rent for the entire Covid period, a total of £99,000.
This is despite Boris Johnson promising the burden of Covid Rent Debt would be split fairly between the Landlords and Tenants, according to means. Our Landlords are the third richest family in the country, with a fortune of £25 billion, over 40 times richer than the King.
As you can imagine, the whole process has been pretty hard to swallow.
After four years of battling (all the way to the High Court) we now know how this will end...
We must either pay the full £99k of Covid Rent by September 2024, or the Harrison will close.
Thanks to a massive ground swell of support from our customers and the media, The Harrison has been trading well and we have already paid off £45k of the debt. I know where another £30k will come from, but that still leave us £20k to £24k short.
I have put off Crowdfunding for as long as possible, but now we have exhausted all other options and I'm afraid we must call on the goodwill of you, the community, to get us over the line. We need help.
We have 70 days to raise £20,000.
Only if you can afford it, please consider donating.
The Harrison is an inclusive community, with young & old, non-binary & straight, cool & shy, rich & really not rich, all hanging out together in a safe and friendly space. We serve great food (esp. our Sunday Roast), delicious drinks (including pints for just £5) and have 4 en-suite hotel rooms. We use some of the profits from these activities to subsidise our Basement Live Music Venue.
Our 60 capacity venue, hosts a massive range of events including workshops, poetry, comedy and gigs, featuring both UK and International Artists. Every year hundreds of folk, world and singer-songwriters perform, from first gigs to stars such as Peggy Seeger or Bonobo. We support a large ecosystem of artists, engineers & promoters.
To use our professional venue we charge Artists and Promoters just a £25 fee (PRS) and in doing so, create a rare and precious space were acts can develop and audiences can be built, all whilst being financially viable for those involved. The events attract audiences who get the thrill of unique and intimate performances, and in the process discover our great pub.
Stretch Target - If we raise more than £20k, we will put the extra towards the other bills and debts we will still need to clear: Legal Fees £6k, Building Dilapidations at least £20k and the Bounce Back Loan £48k.
We are confident however that, with the Covid Debt paid and a chunk taken out of the other debts, The Harrison will finally be in a healthy financial position and capable of supporting itself successfully, serving its the community, for many years to come.
All donations big or small gratefully accepted.
We are hosting a fundraising All Day Folk Festival on 29th September at the larger Jamboree Venue around the corner. Its a stellar line up including the legendary Whiskey Moon Face. Its also our 20th Anniversary of setting up the pub! Come!
TICKETS HERE- https://www.seetickets.com/event/the-harrison-all-day-festival-at-jamboree-ed-4-/jamboree/2965552
Thank you and much love from
Paul, Sophie, Hugh & Jane (Managers),
Beko (Head Chef),
Andy, Andrea, Mohammed & Yaron (Kitchen)
Csilla & Marzena (Housekeeping),
Felix, Jena, Sacha, Roo, Max, Cristina, Jess, Matthew, Tamir & Catalina (Bar),
Jake, Calum, Rory, Graham & Jomi (Sound/Promoters),
plus all the Musicians and all the Punters.
Huge thanks to Ellis Harbord for making the Crowdfunding film and this great documentary about our long struggle with the pandemic and our Landlords.
View the full documentary here - https://vimeo.com/862696205