by saveppct in Brighton

We did it
On 5th October 2015 we successfully raised £2,358 with 90 supporters in 56 days

Preston Park Cycle Track is the UKs oldest cycling track. We're campaigning to save this important cycling facility.

by saveppct in Brighton

 New stretch target

We have reached our initial tartget of £2000 but we still have many days to raise funds for the Campaign. 

We can discuss how extra money can be spent at the next open meeting but in the mean time lets see if we can reach our stretch target of £5000 

The money raised will help the campaign to save the track move on to the next level, the initial funds will be used to create a website and fund future open meetings. Depending on the outcome of the Council meeting later on in September we will be using the funds to raise more money for the campaign with events everybody can enjoy and take part in. 

We estimate that £1500,000 will be needed to create a susstainable cycle track facility with a new stadium that serves not just Cycling but Cricket and Tennis that share the area. 


Project aim

To initially raise £2000 for a campagin website and future campaign events. 

Preston Park Cycle Track in Brighton East Sussex, is the oldest cycle track in the UK.

Last year the track was closed to racing due to safety reasons. Large funds are needed to save the track so that it can be used again for racing. A campaign has been set up to raise awareness and funds.

The campaign is in it's early stages, we see that there is a long road ahead for saving Preston Park Cycle Track as a place for cycle racing. The campaign will have many stages of raising funds for different parts of the improvements to the facility.  Being able to show those stages in a clear a precise manner to all involved is essential.

We feel a good website is needed help to the campaign because although we have been relatively successful using social media, not everybody uses Facebook and Twitter. So a formal website where all the facts can be clearly seen will be a great tool for success. 

As we have stated there are considerable funds needed to save the track so we're not asking for those here today. But we do need funds to keep the campaign going and we need a website to support the future of the campign to fight for the survival of the track as a place of cycle racing.  

We're looking initially for £2000 to set up the campaigns website and any over funding will be used for campaign events in the future. We will have regular public meetings to discuss what the funding should be spent on. Ironically we need funding to have those large scale meetings in the first place.  

Although Preston Park Track is the oldest cycle track in the country, the track is a great facility and a really useful track to teach and mentor young and not so young cyclists. 

With the correct amount of investment in the track we can see this cycling facility being once again a really great hub for all cycling in the area. 

What's more, with the the populartiy in cycling in the UK growing exponentially, we see Preston Park Track being once again a very popular venue for cycle racing. We feel sure that if the funds are found, this cycling facility can be sustainable in the future and be a great asset to Brighton. 



Take note of the rewards already available to pledgers from SRS Events and Secret Training we will have more rewards very soon. Don't forget all rewards are subject to us reaching our funding goal of £2000. So far we are on target but nothing is guaranteed (although we are trending to reach over £5000). Pledging should be about wanting to help the campaign to save this track, the rewards are just a bonus to your kind support. It's our way of saying thank you...... and we really are very thankful to all those that have already pledged, thank you for caring and understanding the importance of this cycling facility. 


Pledging £30 or more 

Great to have Secret Training suppling these rewards. get your pledge in soon there's 40 of these rewards availalble from Secret Training.


Pledging £60 or more 

And you will receive a free place on one of the SRS Events Cyclosportives

The  Burgess Hill Springtime Classic 13th March 2016

All subject to getting to our £2000 goal and so far we are on target.

 COMING SOON - Pledgers Prize Draw !

We are setting up a prize draw as incentive for everybody to take part in this very important crowd funding project for the track. 

We will soon have details of some great prizes that can be won when you become a pledger in support of  the Save Preston Park Cycle Track Campaign.

If your organisation has a prize/s that you think would help this crowd funding project please do get in touch.

Contact details at the bottom of the page. 





Follow the campaign on our Social Media Pages 






The track was built in 1877 it is the oldest cycle track in the country 2nd oldest in the world. 

Lets not let our generaton be the generation that couldn't look after it !




Lets see track racing again at Preston Park Track 

All photos copyright of Avelo images 07771928201


Please do support "THE RIDE" in Brighton on the

5th September 2015

We are riding from Brighton Pier to Brighton Velodrome through the city to raise awareness of the track.

This ride is a celebration of cycling through the town and EVERYBODY is encouraged to take part and support the campaign. It doesn't matter what type of bike you have or what type of cyclist you are get on your bike join the ride and support the campaign.  

For more information about the ride click here 

The ride is only 2.8 miles and will be a fun ride to raise awareness of the campaign bring a whistle :-)

We meet inbetween the Brighton Pier and the big Wheel at 10am. 




A litte bit more detail about the campaign

1. What is clear (sort of ) is that the Council does not have funds to support the track, but does have knowledge of grants etc which might be very useful.

2. To secure the support of the council for the essential work on the track we need to demonstrate that it is • Needed by the cycling community • Needed by the broader community of Brighton and Hove • Sustainable in the longer term

3. We have therefore been doing some investigations and discussions about ways forward. Broadly speaking what we are proposing is

Phase 1 • Make the case for the immediate refurbishment of the track; • obtain council support • seek funding/grants for the immediate work required • establish a Friends of Preston Park Cycle Track (building on the existing Save Preston Park Track campaign)

Phase 2Establish a Trust to manage the track and facilities longer term – this would need to include representation from all interested parties but over time might expand or include other groups who can support the ongoing management of the facilities • Tennis, cricket and cycling clubs • British cycling • Local Council • Other professionals with relevant skills such as lawyers, architects, schools managers, parents groups, marketing people etc

4.  In terms of further developments, once the agreement is reached to support the essential work on the track fence and resurfacing the other developments could be phased in gradually, for example

• Outer perimeter fence • Low level lights for track • New stadium and facilities building which could include • Showers and loos • Small kitchen/urn facility • Changing rooms • Viewing area – covered for the rain/shade • Rooms – club meeting rooms/classroom for schools /party venue HUB of cycling • Bike storage and/or bike hire (not just track bikes but also road bikes etc) • Café – franchise of Velo Café for tennis/cricket /other park users

5. This can be done – we have been talking with the Trust for the Track at Herne Hill which manages the track and there is also a Friends of Herne Hill which fund raises etc. Lots of things have been tried using promotional events, advertising (banners around the track), corporate events and open events as well as grants.

6. What we need from you is any of the following • Expressions of support for this as a way forward • Alternatives if you do not support this way forward • Suggestions of ways to raise public awareness/gain support (in addition to proposed Ride on 5th September - hope you are all signed up for that) if you need more details about the ride Click here 

• Ideas for organisations/grant giving bodies who may fund part of the essential and/or longer term work • Fund raising ideas for both the short and long term • Volunteers to be part of the Friends of Preston Park Track • Volunteers or suggestions of people who could form the initial Trust for management of the Track/facilities

Without your support this will not happen. With your support and a lot of hard work we could have a track and facilities to be proud of.

Look forward to hearing from you and do please circulate this crowd funding information as widely as possible.


Yours in Sport 

Rupert, Camilla, & Ian 


Save Preston Park Cycle Track Campaign 

Tel No 01273 695107

Mobile 07771928201

E-mail [email protected]



Facebook Group





This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£3 or more

£3 Reward

Pledge just £3. All funds gained get us that bit closer to our goal. We might have good news for you soon about all fund raisers being put into a draw for a great prize.

£5 or more

£5 Reward

If everybody just pledge £5 we'd only need 400 people to reach our goal for a website to help promote the campaign. We might have some great news for you soon as well with all pledgers being put in to a draw to win a great prize.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

Pledge £10 and only 200 people need to pledge this amount to get us to our goal. Like all the other Pledgers we might have some good news for you soon about all pledgers being put into a draw for a great cycling prize

£15 or more

£15 Reward

Pledge £15 to help the campaign to get us even quicker to the funding goal of £2000 which we will spend on a website to help spread the message of the campaign to Save Preston Park Track. Stay tuned for news of a prize draw coming soon for all pledgers.

£30 or more

24 of 60 claimed

£30 Reward

Pledge £30 and you will receive a Secret training Water Bottle if we reach our funding target of £2000. Stay tuned also for information of a prize draw for pledgers details coming soon.

£60 or more

18 of 100 claimed

£60 Reward

Pledge £60 and you will get a free entry to the Burgess Hill Springtime Classic Event in March 2016 which is a SRS Events Cyclosportive. - email your details to [email protected]

£120 or more

1 of 30 claimed

£120 Reward

Pledge £120 and receive two free places to the Burgess Hill Springtime Classic Cyclosportive March 2016 if we reach our target funding of £2000 E-mail your details to [email protected]

£1,000 or more

£1,000 Reward

Pledge £1000 or more and we will make sure we tell everybody we know that you have done such a kind thing. We list you on our future website to make sure everybody know you support this campaign. If you would like to discuss things further before pledging Call Rupert on 07771928201

£150,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£150,000 Reward

Pledge £150000 and we won't use your money unless British Cycling & the Brighton Council matches the funds to refurbish the track. We can discuss visual recognition of your investment with those in charge. If you would like to discuss things further call Rupert 07771928201

£330,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£330,000 Reward

Pledge £330,000 and we will make sure the money is used to bring back racing to Preston Park track by buying new track fencing, We'll make sure you're never forgotten for your donation andl demand some sort of visual recognition at the track for your donation. If you would like to discuss things further call Rupert 07771928201

£1,500,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£1,500,000 Reward

Pledge to £1500000 and we think the complete grounds of the facility can be updated and guarantee future sustainability for the facility, not just for cycling but for Cricket, Tennis and other sports and events at Preston Park Velodrome. If you would like to discuss things further call Rupert 07771928201

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.