New stretch target
If we raise extra funds we will be able to renovate the bathroom and look to start our community yoga therapy workshops and courses which we hope to offer at a reduced cost to ensure everyone who needs yoga can access it.
To raise enough money to cover the additional costs of taking on the entire building lease, renovating the bathroom & creating a health hub
by Falmouth Yoga Space in Falmouth, Cornwall, United Kingdom
If we raise extra funds we will be able to renovate the bathroom and look to start our community yoga therapy workshops and courses which we hope to offer at a reduced cost to ensure everyone who needs yoga can access it.
Falmouth Yoga Space was born on Killigrew street eight years ago and we hope we have touched many peoples lives in a positive way during that time.
The studio offers a range of classes from dynamic vinyasa through to therapeutic yoga and gentle styles such as yin and restorative. We also host regular workshops, seasonal retreats and yoga teacher training courses.
We often offer free or reduced class passes to those struggling financially, we run regular charity fundraising events and we are all passionate about supporting our local foodbank (and have organised many foodbank drives over the years).
Throughout the pandemic we moved online and our offering included a weekly free class to support mental health and another free lunchtime class for people working from home. We also offered a free weekly kids yoga class that zoomed into houses and classrooms around Cornwall.
As the above video mentions, the aim of Falmouth Yoga Space has always been to create a yoga community and ensure that yoga is accessible to everyone in that community by keeping our prices reasonable (and offering special discounts for those suffering financial difficulty)
The last three years have been a challenge, as they have been for many small businesses in Falmouth and we very nearly made the decision to close the studio doors in June this year due to the current economic climate.
However, we have been given a bit of a lifeline but with it comes responsibility for the entire building, including what is currently the clinic and small studio at the back of the yoga space.
This means finding an extra £7,000 and of course additional costs for utilities and more. So we are taking a risk that we can take on the new business (therapy rooms) and make the whole shebang work as one amazing space!
The money raised will allow us to cover the rent of the clinic and thereby also keep the studio doors open.
Our aim with the clinic is as follows:
- Support the amazing group of therapists who currently work out of the studio and provide our community with healing therapies such as physio, osteopathy, sports massage and more, so they have a space to continue to work from.
- Utilise the small studio for evening classes in other movement modalities such as dance and Pilates.
- Create a yoga therapy space offering workshops and courses for a variety of people in our community at a reduced cost. For example yoga for long covid, trauma informed yoga, yoga for mental health, yoga for addiction and more. Thereby ensuring yoga is accessible to everyone who needs it.
- Merge the two businesses together so it is one big collective community of people who offer yoga, movement and therapies.
We would also like to use some of the funds raised to renovate the bathroom and increase heating in the space.
As you will know if you have ever set foot in FYS, we are passionate about creating community, ensuring everyone feels welcome, offering the highest level of classes & teacher training and sharing more than just the physical yoga. We hope we can continue to do that for at least another 8 years but we need your help!
Please take a look at the rewards on offer, whether you live in Falmouth or elsewhere on the planet, there is something for everyone. And if you are a little tight of funds yourself, we would appreciate it if you could simply share our crowdfunder far and wide!
And here's a pic of our cool tops featured in our rewards, should you wonder what they look like!
Falmouth Yoga Space is an amazing yoga space and has a very vibrant and inclusive yoga community. Not only have I taken classes here, but I also learnt to be a yoga teacher here and taught my own classes at the space. I have enjoyed so many different types of yoga classes, workshops and training events here. All the teachers have a real depth of knowledge and experience to share. The yoga space will always hold a very special place in my heart as it has helped me through some challenging times in my life. It has given me the tools to navigate my high-paced and often stressful life and created a safe space in which to practise yoga and meet new friends. - Ness Farnell
Falmouth Yoga Space is more than just a yoga studio. In 2015, when I was lost and struck by grief; this space became my 'home.' Not only did I rekindle my love for the physical practice of yoga and the benefits of wellness that brings. I also gained a community. My journey of self discovery and self belief began. Keren holds a non-judgemental space in which learning can flourish, creativity can flow, friendships can be made and a sense of belonging can be established. FYS allows me to roll out my mat, find space, laugh and feel anchored. I am forever grateful for Keren and the space she provides for everyone to feel welcome and to taste the menu of yoga for every-single-body. - Bess Fox
Falmouth Yoga Space is the beating heart of Cornwall’s authentic, wise, connected and truly heart full yoga community. Keren Cooksey and Amanda Brown have 60+ years of yoga studies between them and there’s not much they don’t know. The teacher training program is conscious, current and transformative. Hands down the best thing I have ever done. If you want to drop in, stay a while, or embark in teacher training, you can be sure of a warm welcome. Honoured to be a part of this community that cares passionately about the world around us and embodies the roots of yoga. - Emily Boriosi
Before Falmouth Yoga Space opened I had always been intrigued by yoga but was never sure where to go, or what to expect. So when a dedicated space became available I went to check it out, and left immediately hooked. I dove head first into the practice and was in awe of the tools it gave me to navigate emotional and mental health, human relationships and the extra colour it brought to the already beautiful parts of life. It also provided a wonderfully open and welcoming community, which I feel is something increasingly rare.
Since that first class I have spent innumerable hours at Falmouth Yoga Space and am now a qualified teacher myself. I can’t state strongly enough what an important role this business and Keren Cooksey in particular have played in my life, and the lives of so many others. - Sorrel Watson
This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.