by SEAFAIR Artists in Bridport, England, United Kingdom


Total raised £1,354

raised so far



The COVID-19 crisis has cut artists off from their source of income. Events and workshops have been cancelled - your support NOW is crucial.

by SEAFAIR Artists in Bridport, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 18th May 2020 we'd raised £1,234 with 64 supporters in 34 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.


Here's the (not so) funny thing. Socially-engaged artists are just that, social. What's the problem? Well, being social isn't possible right now!

In fact, our artists and practitioners are stuck inside and have been advised to be very anti-social (for good reason of course). Workshops, events and gatherings have all been cancelled or postponed with so many dates still not yet confirmed.

What does this mean? An immediate loss of income with artists unable to pay bills, buy amenities and support themselves and their families. 

Your generous donations will go to the SEAFAIR artists who have been directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to help them in this time of crisis and 'replace' some of the income they have lost.

Any SEAFAIR member who needs it can ask for some money. We will share it out equally to those who apply. This is based on trust of each other. 


SEAFAIR offers support for artists by artists. We are new and fresh, just starting to bloom! We began in October 2018 with a one day workshop to bring together socially-engaged practitioners to network, share, take risks, talk and bring about new opportunities. We have now grown to become a strong rural network of 50 South West based artists, musicians, performers, photographers, menders, dancers and all those in many or other camps! Since our first event we have hosted artists' talks, events, workshops, meet-ups, away-days and festivals, all of which have been promoted through a weekly newsletter.


Most SEAFAIR artists are freelancers who rely on regular workshop bookings and paid events. These have all had to stop, so those artists have lost or had their income significantly reduced. Your generous donations will go to these artists who have been directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to help them in this time of crisis and 'replace' some of the income they have lost. Your money will make a huge difference to those impacted and will be shared equally amongst those that need it right now. Our fundraising target is £3,500. 

Support us when we need it most. We need your generosity, empathy and kindness during this challenging time. We appreciate and understand that there is a strain put on everyone right now.

But if you believe in the power of art to:

- Connect people

- Offer memorable encounters

- Support the wellbeing of others

- Enrich communities  


We have some fantastic rewards on offer, for as low as a £1 donation!

For more information on what SEAFAIR does and how we work with communities take a look at our Instagram & Facebook Page. Thank you.



Andrea Crociani

Anna Best

Angie Porter

Anne-Marie Culhane


David Squirrell and artist Kim Squirrell   

Jo Burlington   

Claudia Dharamshi    

Daisy Carr

Eileen Haste

Ella Squirrell   

Eva Fahle Clouts

Heather Fallowes

Jenny Hackett

Louise Riley 

Megan Dunford 

Pete Treglown

Phill Moon                

Rachel Dunford

Ricky Romain

Rosie Russell - Instagram - @rosierussell3333

Sally Lemsford

Sarah Hough 

Zoe Li (Somerset Art Works)



With new rewards being added every week. Click on the reward below you like the look of to pledge and make it yours! If you need any more information about a reward before you pledge, email us: [email protected] 

^^^ Pete Treglown - 'Memorials' A3 Screenprint ^^^

^^^ Pete Treglown - 'Albion Dreaming' A4 Etching^^^

^^^ Jenny Hackett -A4 Ash Tree Print  ^^^

^^^ Sally Lemsford & Megan Dunford - Limited Edition Artist Bookmarks ^^^

^^^ Kim & David Squirrell - Linocut & Hand-bound notebook ^^^

See their wonderful video about> CLICK HERE.

^^^ Claudia Dharamshi - Limited Edition Giclée Print ^^^ 

^^^ Andrea Crociani - 'Rational Beekeeping #4' Wax cast Head ^^^

^^^ Louise Riley - 'Grace and Tom are looking for their forever home after quite seasoned travelling' ^^^

^^^ Heather Fallows - Original Pen and Ink drawing ^^^

^^^ Ricky Romain - Original Sketchbook Page, mounted and wrapped ^^^

^^^ Louise Riley - 'Little Car' - 6" x 4" Indian Ink on Gesso Board ^^^

^^^ Daisy Carr - Handmade Eye masks ^^^

^^^ Oops Wow Toddler and Adult workshops ^^^

^^^ b-side festival - Tickets to events and tote bag ^^^

^^^ Inside Out festival from Activate Performing Arts - Behind the Scenes meet and greet with directors and special meal^^^

^^^ The Mothership - A Long Weekend retreat ^^^

^^^ Sally Lemsford - Zine Making workshop for 2 ^^^

^^^ Waste Not Want Not - £5 vouchers! ^^^

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£70 or more

£70 Handbound Notebook and Linocut

Double treasures! by artisan bookbinder David Squirrell and artist Kim Squirrell / Instagram @inkandpage__ / Facebook @inkandpageshop (P+P included)

£4 or more

£4 for a Limited Edition Lockdown Zine

Megan Dunford will be creating a limited edition Zine about her experience of being in lockdown in Italy. She will produce it in Italy in her apartment where she has been living and working for the past 52 days and counting…. Only 20 of these will be made available! / Instagram @meg_dunford (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£5 or more

£5 for a Limited Edition Artists Bookmark

Why not make your reading time a more exciting experience - an original SEAFAIR bookmark hand-drawn by Sally Lemsford and Megan Dunford co-creators of SEAFAIR. / Instagram @lemsford / Instagram @meg_dunford (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£10 or more

£10 A Bag and Voucher for a b-side event

b-side is a Multimedia Arts Festival that takes place in September on Portland, Dorset. Sadly this event has now been postponed until 2021, but the organisation will still honour it next year. Buy something to look forward to! / Instagram @bsidefestival

£12 or more

£12 Set of 3 Original Postcards For Your Mates

A set of 3 original hand-drawn postcard by Sally Lemsford – send one to 3 of your mates! / Instagram @lemsford

£15 or more

£15 Hand-sewn Eye Mask

You must have a mask by Daisy Carr! / Instagram @daisycarr (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£40 or more

£40 Life Coaching with Angie Porter

Artist Angie Porter as offered a session of life coaching. Angie is a qualified Neuro-linguistic Programming coach.

£45 or more

£45 A4 Etching 'Albion Dreaming'

A4 ETCHING: ‘ALBION DREAMING’ (unframed) a print on pre-printed paper by Pete Treglown

£50 or more

£50 Behind the Scenes at Inside Out

What an opportunity from ACTIVATE! Produced by Activate, we invite you to go behind the scenes, meet some of the incredible artists performing, chat with festival Artistic Directors Kate Wood and Bill Gee, with a meal for up to 4 people, and see how our festival comes together. Sadly this event has now been postponed until 2021, but the organisation will still honour it next year. Buy something to look forward to!

£60 or more

£60 A3 Screenprint - 'Memorials'

A3 Screenprint - ‘MEMORIALS’ by Pete Treglown (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£60 or more

£60 Zip to a Zine workshop (for two people)

Why don't you and a friend buy this as a treat to look forward to! 2 hours at Sally’s studio – collage, cut and paste, folding / Instagram @lemsford

£70 or more

£70 'Little Car' Artwork

Indian ink on gesso board by Louise Riley (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£100 or more

£100 for 1 hour Business Coaching

HELP to MAKE YOUR BUSINESS FLY?! 1 hour business coaching with consultant Rosie Russell (Arts Development Company) Instagram rosierussell3333 / Facebook Rosie Russell

£100 or more

£100 Sketchbook Page

SKETCH BOOK PAGE; an original by Human Rights artist Ricky Romain, mounted, wrapped in cellophane (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£100 or more

£100 for Drawing/Collage

A drawing/collage – an original pen and ink treasure by Heather Fallowes (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£100 or more

£100 A Month of Photographs

A MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHS Have a photograph taken each day for a month especially for you by Eva Fahle Clouts. She will email them solely to the pledger and will not share these photos with anyone else or use elsewhere.

£100 or more

£100 personalised poem by Angie Porter

Artist Angie Porter is offering a personalised poem just for you! You can commission her and it will be your forever more.

£120 or more

£120 A Weekend Retreat in Dorset

A LONG WEEKEND RETREAT at THE MOTHERSHIP This fantastic opportunity is offered by Anna Best. Stay at this eco-friendly, dog-friendly smallholding in Dorset

£150 or more

£150 Drawing Workshop for 4 people

DRAWING WORKSHOP for 4 people, 2 hours working on traces of movement, expression of lines with Sarah Hough in her studio just outside of Dorchester. / Instagram @sarah_hough_

£260 or more

£260 Pet Portrait

PET PORTRAIT Would you like a painted PORTRAIT of your pet by Angie Porter? See examples of her work on Instagram @angieporterartist Enquire about delivery when pledging for this reward.

£1,000 or more

£1000 - A year of Photographs by Eva Fahle Clouts

Have a photograph taken each day for a year especially for you by Eva Fahle Clouts. She will email them solely to the pledger and will not share these photos with anyone else or use elsewhere. A totally unique reward I'm sure you'll agree!

£1,200 or more

£1200 Two enbroidered panels

GRACE & TOM ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR FOREVER HOME AFTER QUITE SEASONED TRAVELLING 2 embroidered panels (third manifestation) by Louise Riley: cotton and silk on a found mattress, originally shown in New Orleans second biennial, travelled around America, included in a film Craigslist Joe, 2014.

£1,800 or more

£1800 A Wax Head Cast Artwork

RATIONAL BEEKEEPING #4 45 x 22cms wax cast head by Andrea Crociani Enquire about delivery when pledging for this reward

£5 or more


Waste Not Want Not vouchers to spend in this brillaint zero waste shop in Bridport, Dorset, UK.

£7 or more

£7 Limited Edition Set of Photography Postcards

A set of 5 LIMITED EDITION PHOTOGRAPHY POSTCARDS. Photographs taken featured – around the theme of ‘HOME’ by Rachel Dunford (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£15 or more

£15 Grown Up Oops Wow Messy Art

Have a place on one of Jo Burlington’s fantastic workshops for grown ups – when they start again! / Instagram - @oopswowmessyart / Facebook - @oopswowmessyart

£18 or more

£18 A4 Hand Sewn Drawing

Megan will create a sewn drawing using coloured threads on plain calico. The drawing will be done to A4 size so it will be easy to frame. / Instagram @meg_dunford

£25 or more

£25 A4 Ash Tree Print

From a painting of an Ash Tree by Jenny Hackett (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£30 or more

£30 A5 Limited Edition Giclee Print

by Claudia Dharamshi - / Instagram @claudia_dharamshi (UK P+P included - for international postage please email us: [email protected])

£50 or more

£50 Ecomatters Mentoring

1 hour eco-arts mentoring by Anne-Marie Culhane - socially engaged eco-arts practice with specialist in art as activism, creating and sustaining collaborative relationships with academics and communities, permaculture and eco-ethics of practice. Anne-Marie is a member of the International Eco-Art Network and part of Culture Declares Climate & Ecological Emergency.

Show your support

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