Evie, age 8 has been beach cleaning in Newquay for nearly three years with her mum and friends. Over the years she has seen the dunes become more and more damaged and the level of litter increase every week. The average during the summer was 6 bin liners every day.
In the dunes we found fires full of nails, broken glass and other things that people have decided to burn; often still red hot and very dangerous for children, surfers, dogs and other beach users. The amount of litter is heart-breaking and often there is too much for us to carry. It was really hard to keep our puppy Rose away from the litter that people left as she liked to scavenge for left overs.
The dunes are an essential habitat and are under threat because of walkers, campers and people partying. What people don't realise is that it is a really rare ecosystem and it protects us from the big storms that we are seeing on the North Coast which are getting worse due to climate change.
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Help 8 Year Old Evie Save The Dunes!