I’m 43 years old and live in Gloucestershire UK with my husband and 2 children.
Since 2023, I have been the Liberal Democrat Councillor for Innsworth at Tewkesbury Borough Council. I am also the deputy leader and hold the portfolio for environmental services. I sit on various committees and working groups, including licensing and the flood resilience working group.
I love working within the community where I am a volunteer health champion for the local Drs surgery and the chair of communities on the Parish Council.
(Working with parish councillors to plant bulbs in the community orchard.)
I believe that all of our communities deserve great services, from health and social care to well maintained roads and reliable public transport. Every resident deserves the same opportunities, whatever their personal situation. As a councillor I work hard to stand up for the communities that I represent and would love the opportunity to do this at County level.
Since July 2024, I have had the opportunity to work with our MP, Cameron Thomas on campaigns to improve flood resilience in the Tewkesbury Constituency. My current ward and many other communities within the Highnam division suffer annually from flooding.
With the future of Local Government changing, it’s important to elect the right people to move forward. I look forward to being part of the change.
Thank you for reading my story.