RCN 1171282, Tunbridge Wells

We all suggest the films we would like to see then vote to select those that get screened. A short film (perhaps of educational or cultural significance) is screened before the main feature, then we hold a discussion group for all to exchange views and learn about the film. All seats reserved in advance are free, we run entirely on donations.

Our Project

Rusthall Community Cinema, which has been screening films in the community for seven years, aims to purchase a new digital projector. Your generosity will help us to achieve this.  

Why not stick with the current projector ? 

Technology moves quickly and already we are not able to replicate the quality of image and high dynamic range that is available on some modern home televisions.  Like all LED-based devices, the brightness of the picture fades with time and this has begun to be noticeable.  The geometry of the current picture is not perfect either.  We need to have sufficient funds to replace this before it fails catastrophically.

What are the advantages of the proposed projector ?

A digital projector will enhance our audience’s experience by eliminating the above obstacles.  A digitally-stored image will be just as clear and vibrant as the original source.

The film studios prefer their output to be viewed at the best possible quality and so they make newly-released films available sooner to those with digital technology – normally 6 weeks after the films’ premiere rather than maybe 6 months if Blu-ray discs are used.  They also make a wider range of titles available to be licensed – many streaming channels such as Netflix for example.  Their motives are not just related to image quality:  with a digital projector the film can be cryptographically-encrypted to deny media pirates a cut of the studios' income.  Also, the cost of creating multiple DVDs and/or Blu-ray discs for each language can be avoided.

With a new projector we will be able to run concurrent channels to enable a significantly better experience for those with sight or hearing difficulties.  Audio description delivered over wirelessly-connected headsets will help those with sight difficulties.  It is also possible to deliver an improved sound quality direct to suitably-equipped hearing aids.  In the same way different foreign languages could be delivered audiologically in a similar way to subtitles.

The higher quality of output would open the door to live event cinema that would benefit from increased fidelity – musical concerts and cultural events for example.  Finally, true 7.1 surround sound would be possible rather than the stereo or 5.1 in use currently.

Who are we ? 

We are a charity-funded community cinema in the village of Rusthall, near Tunbridge Wells in Kent. We are entirely volunteer-run with a rota of over 30 active supporters.  

As well as promoting the enjoyment of films, we aim to relieve loneliness, particularly among the elderly members of the community. We are accessible to those with disabilities. Our entrance by donation policy means that all are welcome to come, whatever their financial situation. 

As well as our regular fortnightly screening of main feature films, voted for by our community, we show diverse short films from different countries and cultures. We held our own International Film Festival in October 2022, screening films from more than 24 different countries.  

We run workshops, swap books, invite speakers, host post-film discussions, hold competitions and raffles and share cakes – all linked to the theme of the current film. 

Our warm and inclusive atmosphere helps to bring everyone together and many friendships have been forged, often across the generations.

Find us here !


Sponsor £25 or more:        You will receive a personal message from our founder (assuming non-anonymous donor).

Sponsor £100 or more:      You or your business will receive personalised opportunities to further your aims.


Cleo Campbell-White
17th January 2025 at 9:17pm

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

15th January 2025 at 10:52am

pledged £5

Anne Goldstein
14th January 2025 at 5:10pm

pledged £5 + an est. £1.25 in Gift Aid

9th January 2025 at 9:15pm

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

Barbara Hill
8th January 2025 at 11:03pm

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

Barbara Hill
8th January 2025 at 11:14am

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

Rosemary Romano
7th January 2025 at 11:47am

pledged £25

5th January 2025 at 2:09pm

pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid

Gail A Ross
4th January 2025 at 6:47am

pledged £60

Alan Richardson
3rd January 2025 at 10:52pm

pledged £5 + an est. £1.25 in Gift Aid

Alan Richardson has also backed 1 other project

Benjamin Hargreaves
1st January 2025 at 5:45pm

pledged £40 + an est. £10.00 in Gift Aid

Anne Goldstein
1st January 2025 at 5:41pm

pledged £5 + an est. £1.25 in Gift Aid

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