Rowing a marathon for Georgia's voice

by Sarah kneale in Saint Austell, England, United Kingdom

Rowing a marathon for Georgia's voice
We did it
On 7th August 2024 we successfully raised £205 ( + est. £48.75 Gift Aid ) with 11 supporters in 56 days

I am joining the Cornsh Barbarians Pilot Gig Club to row a marathon and fundraise for Georgia's Voice's new Lifesaving Hub for Young Women.

On the 10th August 2024, I'll be joining gig rowers from across the Country to become a Cornish Barbarian and complete the epic Cornish Barbarians summer marathon row.

I'll be on the water at the crack of dawn and will row 26.2 coastal miles throughout the day, with a crew I've never rowed with before and through absolutely everything the Cornish elements can throw at me...... all for an incredible cause: Georgia's Voice.

Georgia's Voice currently provides safe spaces to enable young women to talk and to really be listened to with empathy and understanding and without judgement. However, there is a critical need for a dedicated space in Cornwall where emotional support is readily available.

Georgia's Voice is raising £50,000 to create a Lifesaving Hub a reality and every penny I raise with the Cornish Barbarians will provide a santuary for young women to come together, to receive emotional support and build connections. By donating some money in support of my Cornish Barbarians marathon row attempt you'll be directly helping to save the lives and improve the future of young women in Cornwall.

Thank you for your support.

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