The goal of this project is to 'Save Lives'. This is a simple local community project to provide an AED (Defibrillator)! Please help!
by Leigh Middleton (owner) in Octavia
The goal of this project is to 'Save Lives'. This is a simple local community project to provide an AED (Defibrillator) within our local community (Roman Hill).
The aim is to fund the purchase of a defibrillator and secure cabinet to allow 24/7 access to local residents within the Roman Hill area of Bracknell. A recent application to the British Heart Foundation was unsuccessful (due to the number of bids they received), but was endorsed and supported by our local Ambulance Service.
The secure cabinet will be placed in a well used pubic footpath next to our house in Octavia and all residents within the area will be informed of its location through an AED awareness card. The defibrillator will be securely stored, monitored and maintained by us.
Should the price of the equipment drop - any excess funds will be used for community awareness and training.
The AED will be placed on our garage wall in Octavia, where there is a well used public footpath.
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