Rise & Shine - Mental Health Alarm Clock App

by Liz Pendleton in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 16th November 2018 we successfully raised £2,380 with 51 supporters in 38 days

An app to help you 'Wake Up Feeling Great'. Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing at the start of every day.

by Liz Pendleton in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

While in a half-sleep, half-wake state, your conscious mind is at rest, and the subconscious pays attention

The job of that part of your mind is to turn every thought into reality. Rise & Shine app takes advantage of this with a therapeutic process that begins before you even open your eyes.

At a chosen wake-up time, the app plays from a selection of carefully created guided meditations, which are set to gradually uplifting music. Visualisation techniques and metaphors are embedded in the audio, along with instructions to gently wake users up feeling amazing.

As a qualified hypnotherapist and personal trainer, app founder Matt Searle has worked with many clients  over the years who have suffered from lack of motivation, negativity or depression.

Reflecting on the positive results from hypnotherapy, and his own waking experience, he was motivated to combine the most powerful elements of his expertise to come up with a life-changing app that can benefit anyone.

Rise & Shine was born.

2 years later, Rise & Shine is now:

☼ User-tested
☼ Professionally branded
☼ Highly visible online with fully functioning and optimised website
☼ Supported on social media by a growing fan base
☼ Thoroughly wire-framed and planned for development
☼ With GUI (graphic user interface) screen designs ready to go

User Testing

Focus groups have been testing the audio tracks using in-built phone alarm functionality - emulating the function of the app. Our test-users have reported fantastic changes; their wake up state is vastly improved and the impact of the app is being felt throughout the rest of the day.

Now that the concept has been tested, we need to pay an app developer to turn the components into reality.

After many meetings, and several test-runs, we've found a developer we want to work with, and the budget has been agreed, we just need to raise the funds - and that's where you come in.

Help Us Help Others

By backing this project, you are 'paying it forward'. Users lives can be positively influenced; the app promotes mental health and quality of life improvements.

Tests show that significant changes can be achieved.

All pledge levels are rewarded with optional access to an active online community of app users via the Rise & Shine facebook group - where news and updates are shared first, users have discussions and app support (and more) is readily available.


The largest part of our budget is going to be app developer costs, after which we need to record more audio tracks, so we need to pay for studio time, and we plan to spend a little on marketing to get the app out there.

We've self-funded to get the project this far, but need to raise the investment to get the app completed and out to the market we know is ready and waiting for it. Everyone who we talk to about the app thinks it would benefit them or someone they know - mental health awareness is on the rise, and now is the time for this app.

We don't need to spend lots on graphics,  we already have the screen designs to make the app look great, as well as help with marketing and social media, thanks to the backing of Lingo Design, friend and supporter to the app from the beginning. 

Having funds to support future app updates and additional features would make sure that once live, the app is supported to iron out any glitches or bugs that may appear. 

We've budgeted carefully, ensuring that that all costs are being kept to a minimum - and that funding raised will go as far as possible.


If we are lucky enough to exceed our funding target, we plan to introduce additional audio tracks which work alongside the 'generic tracks' but which are designed to target specific topics and help niche audiences.

These will include, but are not limited to;

☼ PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
☼ Eating disorders
☼ Learning disabilities

All generic tracks are designed to benefit anyone needing help in any or ALL of these areas, however by working alongside experts in each field and using new voice characters, we aim to create tracks which improve the lives of people experiencing these and other mental health issues.

Other Ways To Help


Letting friends know about Rise & Shine would be extremely beneficial for us. The more people who know about it, the better. Plus, the app will genuinely help anyone who uses it - so sharing really is caring!


This helps us to create a support network for the project, and we will post regular updates on our progress. You could like us on Facebook and give us a follow on Twitter and Instagram - where you will see our popular #WakeUpFeelingGreat meme designs. Customised memes with your own positivity phrase, or one-liner, with your name on - feature in the rewards!

FIND OUT MORE: www.riseandshineclock.com

Thank you for taking the time to find out more... we hope you #WakeUpFeelingGreat!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

Brilliant Backer

Your support means a lot to us. To show our gratitude, we will thank you on facebook and include your name on a special page in the first version of the app, which you'll also get access to first!!

£25 or more

Super Supporter

As well as a 'thank you' on facebook and your name in the first version of the app - you'll get £25 credit to spend in the app when it goes live... AND ...you'll get your name on a specially designed customised Rise & Shine meme - posted on all our social channels.

£50 or more

Fantastic Fan

As well as the facebook and app thank-yous, you'll get the customised meme, £50 credit to spend in the app when it goes live... AND ...a limited edition 'Rise & Shine' smart-phone nightstand - the perfect accessory to wake up feeling great!

£100 or more

Awesome Activator

At the £100 level, we know you're really 'on board'. So, as well as thank yous, you'll get a customised meme, the night stand, £100 credit to spend in the app... AND ...a limited edition Rise & Shine t-shirt!

£250 or more

Generous Genius

You'll get all the thank yous and benefits of previous levels with £100 credit AND ...a -1-2-1 'positivity and relaxation' hypnotherapy session with Matt Searle, app founder and hypnotherapist (based in Bristol).

£500 or more

Fully Unlocked

Donations at this level are really something special, so we want you to know that we'll be taking good care of you as a VIP. That means you'll never have to pay for anything in the app, ever - that's right - fully unlocked for life. PLUS, you'll be treated to a hot air balloon ride! Wow, that's a serious way to Rise & Shine! ;)

£1,000 or more

Corporate Sponsorship

Take the best care of your whole team, with unlimited group access to the app's positivity tracks and a custom package of Rise & Shine rewards and benefits - designed for the benefit of your company and employees. Your company logo will be featured in the app, on social media, on our website and plenty of other prominent places. Talk to us for more details, as this package will be tailored to suit your needs. Hot air balloon rides included!

£2,500 or more

Ultimate Sponsorship

A completely custom package. We're together for the long run!

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