Right To Roam: 12 Nature inspired prize bundles

by Right To Roam in Kendal, Cumbria, United Kingdom

Right To Roam: 12 Nature inspired prize bundles
We did it
On 1st September 2024 we successfully raised £12,460 with 755 supporters in 30 days

Help us fuel our campaign to secure a full right to roam in England to give people better access to nature

by Right To Roam in Kendal, Cumbria, United Kingdom

Individual prize draws are not promoted or endorsed by Crowdfunder. See Terms & Conditions

 New stretch target

The Prize

To celebrate the Launch of our recent book Wild Service - Why Nature Needs You - we have created 12 prize bundles of nature/outdoor inspired items. Each bundle varies slightly but all will contain one of the 12 artworks from Wild Service signed by Nick Hayes along with a handful of other goodies.

The prizes include Festival tickets, signed books,  Vivobarefoot shoes, Patagonia items, magazine subscriptions, art prints, albums, Blundstone boots and lots more. Take a look at the list of bundle prizes bellow for more details of what is up for grabs!


Bundle One 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print 

Family Ticket (2x adults 2x children) to Yuletide Festival 2024

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine

Bundle Two 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Vivo barefoot shoes 

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed copy of The Lost Rainforests by Guy Shrubsole 

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine


Bundle Three 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

The Great Outdoors magazine subscription

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed copy of The Nightingale by Sam Lee 

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine

Bundle Four 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Sidetracked Magazine Subscription 

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed Copy of On Gallows Down by Nicola Chester


Bundle Five 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Blunderstone Boots 

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed Copy of Wild Service Why Nature Needs You

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine


Bundle Six 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Into the Wild Festival Tickets (2025)

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

The Trespassers Companion 

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine

Bundle Seven 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Beans on Toast goody bag

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed copy of Local by Alastair Humphreys 

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine


Bundle Eight 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Signed copy of Wild Service Why Nature Needs You 

Trash free trails Swag 

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed copy of Micro Adventures by Alastair Humphreys 

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine

Bundle Nine 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Signed copy of Wild Service Why Nature Needs You 

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed copy of A Tree A Day by Amy-Jane Beer 

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine


Bundle Ten 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Signed Copy of Wild Service Why Nature Needs You 

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

The Lost Words by Robert Mcfarlane and Jacki Morris

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine


Bundle Eleven 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Signed copy of Wild Service Why Nature Needs You 

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed copy of The Flow by Amy-Jane Beer

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine


Bundle Twelve 

A3 Nick Hayes signed art print

Holly Atsle art print

Patagonia Black Hole Packing Cube

Signed copy of Where The Wildflowers Grow by Leif Bersweden

The Book of Trespass 

One back Issue of Sidetracked Magazine


The Cause


Everyone needs regular access to nature - it’s vital for our physical and mental health. And to solve the climate and biodiversity crises we need to be better connected to the natural world. Which is why we have been campaigning for the past 4 years to convince the UK government to implement a right to roam act

The public currently only has a right to roam over 8% of England. The Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000 created this partial right, but it’s unfinished business – for instance, there is no right of access to rivers or most woods. Huge swathes of our countryside are locked away behind barbed wire fences and hostile signs saying ‘Keep Out!’ and you can be shouted at just for going for a swim.
1722350837_tumblr_de9312511113d4bb7f3229ade7ae3710_12653e25_1280.jpgWhat’s more, access to nature is hugely unequal – over a quarter of all constituencies in England effectively have no right to roam at all. While the wealthiest areas enjoy 80% more paths than the poorest. Access to nature should be open to all of us, not a privilege enjoyed by the few.
Even where we do have access, our freedoms are under threat. When the wealthy landowner Alexander Darwall won a court case to extinguish the right to wild camp on Dartmoor last year - the last place in England it was legal - it took huge protests to overturn the ruling on appeal.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

We believe England should follow the example of Scotland, Sweden and Norway, where people have enjoyed far broader rights to access their countryside, so long as they do so responsibly. This isn't about a free for all: we would still have sensible exclusions to protect crops, privacy and wildlife. But exclusion would have to be justified, not assumed.

It's time we enjoyed the same rights to access our beautiful countryside here in England!

We can only keep this campaign pushing forward with the support and donations of the public. Every penny raised from this prize draw will go directly into funding our efforts to create meaning full change by getting us our right to roam 

Entry options


£10 for 3 Entries

3 entries


£5 for 1 Entry

1 entry


£15 for 5 entries

5 entries


£20 for 10

10 entries


£50 for 30

30 entries

Postal entry

Send your details to:
Right To Roam: 12 Nature inspired prize bundles
Right To Roam C/o British Mountaineering Council
The Old Church
177-179 Burton Road
West Didsbury
M20 2BB

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