Our daughter Thalia has Down Syndrome. Sunshine & Smiles grew from a small group of families like ours, with a commitment to improving opportunities and support to families in Leeds who have a family member with Down Syndrome.
I have always taken my ability to engage in sport and physical activity for granted. Being a parent of a child with additional needs, you realise that for some people, access to such opportinites is more of a challenge.
Sometimes finding opportunities that suit Thalia is really hard; often sports activities are too fast and the rules can be tricky to follow; or there is an over-emphasis on skills and being 'good'. Sometimes, it has felt difficult for Thalia to join what would be seen as 'mainstream' activities with typically developing children ... and that can be a really isolating feeling for her, and for us!
We have, nevertheless been determined to try and give Thalia as many opportunities as possible.
Through Sunshine & Smiles, Thalia has learnt to swim and ride her bike. She, and many other children have been able to engage and enjoy many activities - football, cricket, dance, swimming, cycling, yoga.
Being able to take part in these kind of sessions should be possible for all children & young people, without there being a disproportionate cost involved. It is well evidenced that having a child with additional needs costs more!
Sunshine & Smiles relies on grants and donations to run all their activities and there is no charge for families to attend - so that they are as inclusive and accessible as possible!
After Covid, as for many charities, Sunshine & Smiles has lost a huge amount of income through lack of fundraising opportunities but also more competition for grants and other funding.
I want to make sure that as many people with Down syndrome in Leeds as possible can take part in sports sessions that are tailored for them - so that they can stay healthy, physically & emotionally, build confidence and learn new skills and have a sense of achievement from being involved and included .... please help me to raise £500 to go towards our Crowdfunding project to keep our sessions running but also to help us plan more!!
If we get 25 individual donors and reach our £5000 target all of your donations will be matched!
This sponsored ride - this Friday, 15 July - is the slightly nutty idea of a long-standing supporter of Sunshine & Smiles, Lee Gillbank. Knowing that I ride my bike, he thought I was fair game for this bonkers idea of riding from Leeds to Scotland ... and back again ... in a day. It'll be just under 400km. We set off at 4.30am, and hope to be back around 10.30pm that evening. Its going to be a long day on the bike. The longest ride I've ever done before is around 200km, and 10 hours.
If you can donate the price of a coffee or a beer, as a small gesture of support for Sunshine & Smiles to continue to provide a range of sports sessions, then please do.
Thank you for reading!