To improve the health and welbeing of disabled people of all ages through the provision of horse and pony riding. The top priority is to have fun.
Donate to this charity
Total raised so far £2,619
+ est. £403.75
0Abingdon RDA is now in its 48th year, and we operate from our Centre in Oxfordshire. We have just under 100 disabled riders, aged from 2 to post retirement. To support these riders we have 181 volunteers , 20 coaches and 17 wonderful horses and ponies. Besides riding we have two mini ponies, Freddie and Marmaduke, who love to have fun, cuddles, grooming, going for walks,and completing courses through the cones, with both adults and children.
We have never had our own power supply because it came from a local farm. We were very fortunate to benefit from this for over 30 years The farm has now been sold, and the new owner is going to develop the site, and wishes to terminate our agreement Thus we have to make our own arrangements with the SSE to create a new supply for the Abingdon RDA site.
Please support this appeal if you possibly can and please spread it far and wide - it would be wonderful if we could raise the total amount.