Richmond Foodbank - we urgently need your help

by Robin Jowit in United Kingdom

Total raised £22,077

raised so far

+ est. £2655.00 Gift Aid



We believe no one in our community should go hungry. Rotary are supporting Richmond Foodbanks vital work. Please can you help. Thank you.

by Robin Jowit in United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Support additional people in need

The cost of living crisis - to Eat or Heat.

Increased demand is being triggered by the high levels of inflation in basic foodstuffs and the leap in energy costs. Reliance on our foodbanks is increasing – they are a real lifeline.

We aim to support over 100 families with your help.   

Rotarians have matched the first £1000 of your donations.

Who we are?

Rotarians are People of Action and we are very keen to make a positive contribution to the difficult world that many people find themselves in. Rotary in Kew Gardens is very pleased to continue this crowd funding project to support the Vineyard foodbanks in Richmond, Barnes, Hampton, Whitton and Isleworth, in their work.  

The Vineyard foodbanks are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by the Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.  Rotary is working closely with the Trussell Trust nationwide.

The foodbanks at the Vineyard provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food in each food pack to support local people who are referred to them in crisis.  


Picture inside the foodbank

How Rotarians plan to help

We are keen to support service projects in partnership with charities which are providing real support directly to people, who are experiencing severe hardship, because their livelihoods are being destroyed. 

Please contribute to this fundraising project to help people survive the cost of living crisis and rebuild their lives. 


Impact of The Vineyard’s Foodbanks on a local family:

“Just to say a very big thank you for making a horrid, humiliating experience recede into the background because of the care and kindness shown to me yesterday. Bless you for the work you do to help those of us who have hit difficult times we never anticipated.”

How you can help

More people than ever before are dependent on foodbanks, so it's massively important that the Vineyard foodbanks are there doing the valuable work across Richmond.  

We aim to cover the period that individuals, couples and families are in crisis awaiting their first government universal credit payment.

The Vineyard receives food donations but are often short of vital items.    

We seek to bridge families through this winter crisis.  

Please can you help us with a donation


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