Our beautiful and quirky church building needs some love and attention to make sure it will last another 120 years. The roof is leaking. This means that our building and the wonderful things we do inside it for our community (foodbank, warmbank, stitching group, community cafe) ARE ALL UNDER THREAT.
Built in 1903, St Aldhelm's Grade II listed church is quirky and historic, a heritage oasis in a place that thirsts for the culture and respite we provide. Not only is our building a real gem, “idiosyncratic” and “playful” according to the church architecture guidebook The Buildings of England, but it is also a haven of peace and beauty in a spot that doesn't have many other beauty spots, cultural spaces or opportunities.
The issue is that we have struggled to keep on top of maintaining our roof. It's high up and difficult to reach without employing expensive contractors, and we simply haven't had the money. Our lovely little spirelet needs to have new tiles and we need to make sure that the internal structure is still sound. There are some plants growing up there that need removing so they don't cause damage. Tiles have been blown off that need replacing. The shiny weathervane isn't so shiny any more and the lightening conductor tape is hanging off! We desperately need to fix all this so our building can be waterproof. It's equally important that we restore it so the church looks its best, showing everyone that we are thriving and that this area is a place you will want to spend time in.
Inside our church is equally beautiful, as you can see here. Having rain coming in and plaster falling off is not just a hazard, but puts our gorgeous heritage at risk: the choir stalls, the wooden panelling, our pulpit, and our magnificent reredos on the uplifting theme of Jesus' Ascension into heaven that you can see here behind the altar, all this could start suffering soon if we don't get a move on and sort our roof out this summer!
St Aldhelm's is a busy place, welcoming people from our local area of any background, any faith (or none) to our social activities. All these things happen inside our church building. We run a foodbank for people who need help (normal at this time of severe cost-of-living increases), a warmbank in the colder months, a stitching group and a community cafe. Everyone is very welcome and our lovely volunteers do a brilliant job helping everyone get what they need, even if that is just a nice cup of tea, a sit down and a chat. We think it is absolutely vital that this valuable and important work takes place in a safe and dry building.
Your donation will make a huge difference. Our spirelet will be restored, the roof will be repaired, and the rain will stop coming in. Everything and everyone inside - young people, old people, furniture and artwork - will stay dry and safe.
Please help us with a donation, no matter how small, so that our church building will last another 120 years, giving opportunities to our neighbours and welcoming anyone who needs any kind of support or friendship.
Thank you