Help Sonya Mallin with her campaign for Real Hope, Real Change in Worthing West
by Worthing Green Party in Worthing, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Sonya Mallin
Sonya says:
"There is a different way. The Green way. Real Hope. Real Change.
And that’s what I stand for and that’s why you should vote for me as your Member of Parliament for Worthing West."
Help Sonya and Worthing Green Party by donating towards our campaign which includes paying for the deposit (£500)
Every donation has a double impact, and it could even have a triple impact:
Your donation gets a Green candidate for Parliament able to challenge the old parties
By helping Sonya to stand, your donation enables all the votes she receives to translate into government funding for the Green MPs elected elsewhere
If the deposit is retained, those funds come back and can be spent by the Green Party again, so we can keep building strength both locally and nationally.
If you would like to know more about Sonya, check our website
Note: Thanks to the very positive response so far, we have increased the target to £1250 to cover printing and distribution of campaign literature
Promoted by Steve Carleymith on behalf of Sonya Mallin (Green Party), at 25 Bulkington Avenue Worthing BN14 7HH