On Saturday 20th June 2020 a devastating attack took place in the heart of Reading, which resulted in three men tragically losing their lives - James Furlong, Joe Ritchie-Bennett and David Wails.
As the second anniversary approaches, Reading Borough Council along with the families of the victims and the local community prepare to create a permanent memorial that enables a place for remembrance and reflection.
Forbury Gardens has been at the centre of our town, both physically and spiritually for centuries, and the image of the Maiwand Lion stands as a constant reminder of the town’s strength, compassion and unity. The permanent memorial will be a calm and peaceful space sitting within the historic Abbey Quarter serving as a place of reflection and remembrance for the lives so tragically cut short and for all those affected by the attacks that have devastated the entire community of Reading.
We also pay tribute everyone affected by the attack, including those who were injured, those who witnessed the attack and to our colleagues in the emergency services who acted so swiftly to prevent further harm.
This Crowdfunder has been set up to fund the permanent memorial in Forbury Gardens. The funding will be used to create a permanent memorial in consultation with the victims’ families, the community and residents of Reading.
All contributions will be held by the Berkshire Community Foundation.