New stretch target
Fantastic! We're raised our first £5000 target but that's only the beginning. Every other party will spend tens of thousands of pounds and we need to compete on the same level. Help us stretch our funding and reach £7500.
The campaign for 2016 starts here. We need your help to re-elect Patrick Harvie as Glasgow's Green MSP.
by ross.greer in Glasgow
Fantastic! We're raised our first £5000 target but that's only the beginning. Every other party will spend tens of thousands of pounds and we need to compete on the same level. Help us stretch our funding and reach £7500.
The polls may have only just closed, and the dust yet to settle on a ground breaking Westminster election, but for Scottish Greens the campaign for 2016 starts here. We need your help to re-elect Patrick Harvie as Glasgow's Green MSP to lead the biggest ever Green group in Holyrood's history. Patrick has represented Glasgow since 2003, giving a voice in Holyrood to those who want to see an end to austerity, empowered local communities and a just & sustainable Scotland.
Patrick and the Scottish Greens have had a tremendous boost since the referendum. More people than ever before know what we stand for and agree with it. That's meant thousands of new members, and many more new supporters - but re-election is far from guaranteed. The other parties will have huge war-chests and big donors at their disposal. We have you, our supporters. Your donation, whether it's £5, £50 or £500 gives us the resources we need to lead a historic campaign in the run up to 2016, contacting tens of thousands of voters in Glasgow, showing them our Green vision and hearing what they want to see for the city and for Scotland.
Please give whatever you can, and help us re-elect Patrick and guarantee more Green voices than ever before in Holyrood next year.
Every penny helps!
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